{2} Best Friend

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3rd Person POV

Ivy's Outfit:

In that same night, after they ate dinner, Marielena asked as she was washing dishes and the girls were cleaning up the dining table, "So how's the first day?"

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

In that same night, after they ate dinner, Marielena asked as she was washing dishes and the girls were cleaning up the dining table, "So how's the first day?"

"It was good. I mean, I was thrilled when they said that the coffee there is for free." Ivy said to her

"Damn it, I thought you never going to find out." Marielena commented then Ivy said, "Tia!"

"Why's that?" Neha asked curiously

Marielena replied, "Because Ivy and coffee are way worse than her and her shoes."

Ivy rolls her eyes in annoyance and said, "Hey, that's mean."

Neha chuckled then said, "Oh, the day of picking teams is tomorrow."

"Right, I totally forgot about that." Ivy commented then looks over at Neha. "Hey, Neha, what's wrong?"

Neha shrugged, "I don't know, it's just- I'm kind of nervous."

"What do you mean? About tomorrow?" Ivy asked curiously

Neha slowly nods her head then Ivy replied, "Neha, don't worry about it, okay? You know why? Because I'm going to be on the same team as you. Why not team up with your best friend, right?"

"Yeah, but people would want to team up with you, just you." Neha pointed out

Ivy sighed then said, "Neha, look if people want to team up with me, I'm not going to team up with them without you. We're like a matching set, all right? Besides, I promised I would never do anything without you."

Ivy reminded, "And this is our dream together, remember? Working together, side by side."

Neha smiled then Ivy said opening up her arms, "Come here."

"You're my best friend. And I'm not doing this without you." Ivy said as Neha hugs her smiling

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