{6} Quidditch Game

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3rd Person POV

Ivy's Outfit:

At the sports' field, their team ran out on one side and Graham's team was on the other side

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At the sports' field, their team ran out on one side and Graham's team was on the other side. They were holding their brooms walking to the center. Sid announced, "All right, teams, welcome to the Quidditch pitch. Let's have a good clean match, Nooglers."

He blew his whistle and the two teams separated into two different circles, in their different sides. Ivy stands in between Lyle and Yo-Yo.

Lyle started off saying, "Rules: the Beaters toss the Bludgers at the Chasers then get the Quaffle through the three rings. No blagging, blatching, bumphing, haversacking. I don't want to see any Quaffle-pocking. No Imperius Curses or Confundus Charms. In an unlikely event of a Dementor attack, use a Patronus Charm. I recommend the stag personally, but that's a personal decision."

Ivy sighed and said, "Lyle. Lyle, these two beautiful idiots have no idea what you're saying. Use your Muggle words, come on."

"Come on, Lyle. You're making me feel like I'm back in math class, okay? You have a couple savants here with an eye-hand coordination. Say' Game on', and let us play." Nick said to him

Lyle responded, "Fair enough. Version 2.0: Peg them with kick balls before they throw the volleyball through the hoop. Brooms, people. Hufflepuff on three."

Putting their brooms in the center, Lyle called out, "One, two, three-"

"Hufflepuff!" The team shouted and went to their side of the field across from Graham's team.

They were in their stance with Neha and Ivy on the end next to each other. Crouching down into position, and with their broom sticks down. Neha and Ivy look over at each other smiling.

Sid called out, "Blue team ready?" Graham screams in response. "Red team ready?" Sid called out to the other side. "Bangarang!"

"Brooms up!" Sid yelled out and the teams stood up holding the broom between their legs. Running trying to get the volleyballs, the blue team was the first ones to get the three volleyballs. The red team tried blocking the other team. But they were too late when Graham tosses the volleyball into the hoop.

"Ten points, blue!" Sid calls out then the blue team kept on passing the ball to each other and shot through the hoop.

The red team got the ball and Ivy called out as she was opened, "Neha!"

Ivy caught the ball and threw the ball to Stuart's head since he was on the phone. "What the hell was that?" Stuart asked looking at her

 "What the hell was that?" Stuart asked looking at her

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