{1} Welcome To Google

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3rd Person POV

A couple of days later:

Ivy's Outfit:

"Neha! Come on, we don't want to be late

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"Neha! Come on, we don't want to be late." Ivy said putting on her heels.

She came out of the hallway and said putting her hands up, "All right. All right. I'm here."

"Woah." Neha stops walking looking at Ivy saying, "What the hell are you wearing?"

Marielena answers, "Neha, this is Ivy's type of style. She would literally be that one person over dressed. And I mean, she would literally dress like this, anywhere."

"And everywhere. And I have no shame in that." Ivy said. "It's my style, and I like it this way."

Neha smiles then Marielena said, "And she's wearing red. Knowing Ivy, she wears red because she's out for blood."

"Yup and today is officially the first day. And we're going to kick their ass." Ivy said to Neha

Neha smiled then Marielena said, "Then what are we waiting for? Come on, girls, I need to show you around Google."

Ivy and Neha both linked arms and walked out heading to Google headquarters.

Looking around the area, Neha commented, "Woah. This is so cool."

They saw the huge building labeled in big letters, Google. Along with the bright colors and a number of people walking around, studying in lunch tables, and doing their daily routine. Marielena was explaining certain areas around them, pointing out what to do and what not to do.

Walking inside, they looked around with awe and pure excitement. "This is so cool." Neha commented smiling

"Totally." Ivy said looking at the art around the building

Looking back at Marielena, she said, "Gracias, Tia."

"Remember, have fun, okay? Don't stress yourself out too much. And now, you girls are officially Nooglers." Marielena said to them

The girls hugged Marielena as she said, "Good luck, girls."

"Bye." Ivy and Neha said to her as she was walking away, waving to them.

Ivy told Neha, "I'm going to get coffee, want some?"

"Rather not, the last time you gave me your coffee, I almost passed out." Neha commented then Ivy scoffed saying, "That's rude."

Unlinking their arms, Ivy said, "Well, I'm getting coffee, and you're coming with me."

Ivy grabs Neha's wrist dragging her to the cafe, Ivy makes her coffee the way she likes it. With Neha by her side, she commented, "Why are you obsessed with coffee?"

"I'm not obsessed, I just enjoy drinking it." Ivy said looking at her

Neha rolls her eyes shaking her head. Grabbing the cup, she walks over to the counter and asked, "Hi, how much is this?"

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