The one after a week

Começar do início

"Where are you going?" Taylor asked sadly.

"Anywhere but here," I said angrily. I grabbed my phone and my wallet before throwing on some shoes, grabbing my car keys and leaving the apartment.

I walked down to my car and got in. I started driving with no knowledge of where I was going. I found myself at the empty soccer fields of Gaelic Park. I parked my car in the empty lot before grabbing a soccer ball from my backseat and throwing on my sweatshirt. I stepped out into the chilly October air. I walked out, onto the field and threw my ball down on the dew filled grass.

I put my phone and stuff down on the bench and walked into the middle of the field with my ball. I kicked the ball as hard as I could towards the goal and it rebounded off the post. I walked to get the ball and I kicked it into the goal from a closer distance. I retrieved the ball and dribbled down the field towards the other goal. I let my imagination go as I relived the last game.

The score is 2-2, there's thirty seconds left in the game. If we score one more goal, we make it to the next round and we get closer to winning the division 3 tournament.

I dribbled down the field, juking out the defenders who got in my way. I didn't care if I was hogging the ball because my teammates had my back and they blocked defenders left and right. I dribbled all the way to the goal and as the goalie came towards me, I kicked the ball straight into the net and the crowd went wild.

I could hear the faint screams of the crowd as my memory faded and I was once again left alone on an empty soccer field. Only one thing could've made that moment better. Taylor.

"That was one amazing goal last night," someone said, making me jump as I turned around to see him.

"Geez, Toby, you scared me," I said.

"What're you doing here?" He asked.

"Practicing," I lied.

"Kaitlyn. What are you really doing here?" He asked.

"Being anywhere but home," I said, walking to him.

"Why?" He asked.

"You know why," I said.

"Kait, it's been a week," he said, taking the soccer ball out of my hands and tossing it to the ground.

"I know and we got past it today, but then Connor came over and he told me that Taylor did remember-"

"What?" Toby interrupted. We sat on one of the benches at the side of the field.

"She remembered, but he convinced her to wait it out, and she listened and ended up missing it. Then, she lied to me about it and I left," I finished.

"Wow," he said.

"Yeah," I turned my lip up into a closed mouth smile.

"You still shouldn't be here; it's not really safe to be here alone, kicking soccer balls," Toby said.

"I needed a release," I said.

"You could've called me," he said.

"I didn't want to. I really just needed to be alone. To be honest I didn't even know where I was going to go. My brain and my heart just brought me here," I said.

"I understand," Toby smiled.

"Thanks," I said.

"Come on, let's go get some coffee," he said, nudging my shoulder.

"I'm not going anywhere looking like this," I said, gesturing to my messed up, sloppy outfit.

"Come on, we can pick up Starbucks and drink it in your car," he said.

SistersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora