16: Take Off The Rose-Tinted Glasses

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"Sorry." Both Scott and Luna muttered with weak smiles. They were trying to reassure everyone else that they were okay while still bleeding out, and all it did was make them look more pitiful.

"Okay, just—give us a second."

While their friends went to convene, Scott looked over at Luna, his eyelids falling as he frowned at the bite on her shoulder. "I'm sorry."

She hummed, "Mhm? I feel like I should be the one saying that."

"It's not..." Scott paused, his side flaring up when he tried to face her better. "You lost control. Whatever that bite meant, it was nothing good. It did this. Trust me, I've had my fair share of losing control before. I've attacked Stiles more times than you can even think. The point is, you didn't know what you were doing, and if you had you wouldn't have done it."

Luna, with her hands weakly laid on her sides, couldn't bring herself to look at him and meet his gaze. She didn't know how to tell him that she actually knew exactly what she was doing in the moment. That, with or without Derek getting in the way, she'd fully intended to kill Ennis. She had craved his death in the most primal way that no one would be able to understand, and she couldn't quite get the sudden rush of euphoria she'd felt during the moment out of her mind.

She wanted to experience it again.

She needed to.

But she also knew she couldn't ever say any of that out loud. Instead, she just hung her head in shame.

"The difference is that you didn't actually kill him when you lost control, did you?" She argued weakly, and Scott had nothing to say to that. His dry lips parted as if he were about to make another excuse, but no words came out, and Luna just scoffed. "Why are you even trying to make me feel better? We both know it's my fault. You can't even deny it."

"If I didn't ask you to come with me and risk your life in the first place, you wouldn't have had to deal with any of this. If you really want someone to blame, then blame me." Scott told her seriously, and it broke Luna's heart to know that he was genuine. He was always genuine.

It used to make her feel warm inside. Comforted by his eternal optimism always shining a light in the dark unknown. But being face with it now just hurt far worse than any bite ever could.

She couldn't help but notice how even through his reassurances, he still hadn't denied that it was her fault.

Her lips quivered, and for the first time since the whole ordeal, she felt her nose begin to tingle and her eyes sting. All of her emotions were suddenly exposed, and she couldn't stop the tears from falling now. Once they started, they couldn't seem to stop.

"You have no idea how messed up I am. And if you did, you wouldn't be able to look at me right now, let alone try to reassure me." She whispered, although her words were loud and clear to Scott's enhanced ears. "It's all my fault." She wasn't just talking to Scott anymore. She was saying it to Derek who would never get to hear the words in person. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. It's—It's all my fault. I should have been able to control it. I should have been better. I—"

More words were on the tip of her tongue, yet she forced them down with a choked sob.

I shouldn't have liked it so much.

"Hey, hey, hey. Why are you crying?" Stiles' whisper cut through the uneasiness. He dropped to his knees next to her and pushed her hair to the side, tucking it behind her ear before wiping away her tears with gentle thumbs. "You're going to be okay, Luna. I promise you that you're going to be okay. We're going to stitch you and Scott up, and then you'll heal. But you have to do something for me, alright? You have to believe in it."

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