At those words, I didn't need Percy to order me to do what I was already in the process of doing. I grabbed Parker and threw him over my shoulder. While I could think of a scenario where this would be fun in - now was not the time for such thoughts. He pounded against my back as I hauled him out of the tent and into the very edge of the forest, out of the tents ear shot.

Tossing him on his bum, I hissed," you stand up, I slam you back down."

He snarled at me and climbed to his feet regardless, just out of my reach... like that would stop me. "She's MY sister! I have a right to be there!" He cried in a voice so heart broken I wore his pain as my own.

"You said it yourself, your a lover not a fighter."

"I found her, I made promises I have to keep, to the Prince - to my parents!" He cried out once again. His face reddened and his eyes squinted, hiding the gloss under the frustration.

"What promises?" I clarified, softly as to prevent the conversation from heating.

"I know how it feels, to have your world and your siblings ripped away from you. I'm a older brother and that means it's my responsibility to protect my sister. Viorel wants the same, he doesn't want his brother harmed. And if a undead man like Prince Viorel can understand the fight for love then why can't you?"

"I can understand love just fine. What I won't do is let you into that castle just because you love her. Love doesn't end wars. It starts them," I huffed. Every time I wanted to believe he's part of our world, I'm reminded he is still very human. Maybe too human for this setting. Which is why I couldn't have him in that castle or in any danger.

"She's all I have left," he sobbed, tears on the verge of spilling over. I wanted to shout,"no she's not, I'm here!" But I couldn't bring myself to tell him the truth. Not yet. "I can't stand by and do nothing," he whispered.

I had to look away, there was no greater pain then watching your mate cry. Especially when your mate's lower lip quivered and his face crumbled like the world had split open and took his will with it.

"There will be monsters in that castle -"

"Your not a monster," Parker blurted out, I froze in surprise. "You'll be in that castle among monsters, and you are still fighting with your humanity. Your my friend and I don't like watching you fight. I fucking hate it -"

"Parker, don't -"

"But you are fighting for your Luna and your pack, and for me. What kind of friend or a brother would I be if I sat back and watched?" He had managed to turn his tears into war paint, he was ready to fight and die for his family. I suppose humans and monsters have that in common.

"Let me fight..." he whispered.

"I can't let you fight," I told him, my own pain lacing the vowels. "But there is a way you can help protect us and your sister."

He took a step forward, eyes now filled with the sheen of hope. "How?"

I shrugged," how do you feel like driving an armored truck?"

He face stretched into a grin, slamming me into a hug. I could feel his heart pounding through the thin shirts we wore. The tingles washed over my skin like the rain does on flower petals during a spring morning. There was a completeness to having my mate in my arms, it made me feel humanly warm.

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