My First

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We left a little after noon and had driven non stop. It was around five I think, we were parked outside a diner. He opened the door for me to get out, we were going to stretch our legs and get a bite to eat before driving through the night.

I happily obliged feeling absolutely famished. He took my hand just as one of his men called his name. We turned our attention to him, he wore a grey hoodie and had a phone in his hand.

"It's Beta Tristan, he's calling about positioning and couple of problems," he explained.

Tingle's jaw clenched,"fine." He turned to me," don't move from this spot." I rolled my eyes when he left with the driver. Like anything was going to happen to me five hours away from the battle.

I looked up at the dark blue sky, a half an hour and it will be pitch black. Five minutes passed and I looked at the map from the car. There was a park near here, my legs could use the exercise. Hm....

I cut through the woods here and after a two minute walk I should be there. I looked over to where Tingles had disappeared. Twenty minutes couldn't hurt anyone, I'll be back before he knows I'm gone!

I'm a independent person, I do need my alone time here and there.

I snook away to the woods, careful of protruding roots and sticks. If I fell it would kill my ribs and then Tingles would be really mad. Two minutes later I was at the park, it was cute. Open, grassy fields for picnics. Random trees and a dirt path cutting across the park. I saw a few benches and picnic tables too.

The nighttime air was cool in my lungs, refreshing. I stretched my legs walking toward the path, across the dry pale grass. I missed the feeling of grass and dirt under my feet. I missed walking period. Don't get me wrong, getting carried around isn't all bad, but I have a limit.

The stars were scattered like individual diamonds across the open sky. The moon was a sliver of silver and the trees whispered in the fall breeze. Small critters could be heard rustling about and the harmony of crickets brought a smile to my face.

I missed this. A park I can walk down to, sit against a tree and read. I missed Mr. Nutty too. I missed my home...These thoughts let homesickness settle in.

A dangerous roar emitted from behind me. I turned around on my heel, oh no.
His breaths were made of huffs and constant growls. His body shook with the raging anger just under his skin. His eyes were the in human obsidian black. I think he was a little bit mad at me for sneaking off... just a little.


I flinched at his animalistic roar. I'm in trouble. "Hi Tingles," I said innocently.


I gulped,"um, taking a stroll to stretch my legs?"

His laugh was anything but warm," stretching your legs? We are at war! You could have been killed or taken!"

"Well..... I wasn't. Would you like to walk with me Percy?" I asked him in the same innocent tone.

His eye brow twitched," do you. Have any. Idea. How worried I was," his voice was cold as ice.

I sighed," I'm sorry I made you worry. But nothing bad happened and I won't do it again."

I looked at the ground as he stepped forward to me, his chest barely brushing the leather jacket I wore (Yes, it's his leather jacket). He tilted my chin up gently, his eyes scanned my face for a few moments before he huffed,"your lucky your cute."

I giggled," come walk with me." I grabbed his hand pulling him toward the path.

He groaned but let me,"just a few minutes and then we need to get dinner and get on the road."

Perseous's Human MateDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora