Never Forgotten

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"Max! What are you doing here!" I shouted, jiggling the locked handle of the door.

Even in a place like this she hadn't lost her optimism. "Surprise! I was originally on my way to rescue you, but as you can see I got a little - hung up?"

I frowned," really? Now is not the time for horrible puns!"

"Better now than any," she frowned along with me. Dam, I really did miss her.

"I'm going to get you out of here, just hang on," I murmured, analyzing the runic door.

"Now who's making puns!" She teased, getting on her knees inside her steel cage.

"It wasn't intentional," I groaned, skimming my finger over the lock in the door. "By chance, would you know where the lock to this door is?"

"If I knew do you think I'd be in here?" She glared at me, obviously not finding this as amusing as I did. "But there may be - no never mind."

"No, what!" I half yelled. "Any idea is a good one right now!" We were running out of time, soon the guards would know I was missing, and then no one would be around to tease Max.

Inside her cage, her hair had fallen around her shoulders like vines of brown curls. She looked like she was weak with her translucent skin from little sunlight and sunken eyes from lack of sleep - but the glint in her Hazel depths said otherwise. "Can you break your wrist?" She asked.


Tristan's POV:

"Cursed? What do you mean cursed?" Percy growled in restrained fury. As it was, Percy's father was the only man keeping him from breaking down the castle walls. With a little magic from the Kytani and the help of google maps, we were at the castle within three hours of receiving the information. Of course, with an army at our backs.

While the supreme council wasn't pleased with this detour during the middle of a world war... they knew they needed Percy's strength if they were to win. For Percy to have strength he needed his source, and that was currently held hostage in a castle.

"Sir, Prince Silviu was cursed two hundred years ago. He can not leave the castle gates, he's trapped in there and we have reason to believe that what ever the deal he has made with the Charm Speaks is... he will receive freedom in return," the scout reported. Prince Viorel had informed us of his brother's condition. He would be greatly rewarded when the time came.

Everything clicked at once but I was the first to turn it from thought into words," Freedom for a Supreme Alphas mate, that could possibly lean the balance of winning in the Charm speaks favor. Not a bad deal."

Percy's eyes trained on the castle, his veins bulging with each pulse of hungry blood lust. "Sector C will storm the east part of the castle, a diversion for Sector B to climb the west side of the castle. Once they are inside, they will set a bomb in the underground oil wells. The explosion will cause the entire second floor to collapse and destroy most of our enemies that will be attempting to barricade the castle from Sector C's attack.

After the explosion, we will use Kytani magic to take myself, Tristan and eight of my best men to the center of the castle. We will find my mate, or that blood sucker will paint her tombstone in his blood."

"Wait!" A small but determined voice squeaked from behind the wall of warriors inside the Alphas tent. Muscling his way through the crowd, my chest flickered at the sight of my mate's Hazel orbs. "I am coming too."

Perseous's Human MateOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant