Safe House

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We arrived around mid morning to the safe house. It was a large, sturdy log cabin in the middle of the forest. What a surprise.

Gabe and three other body guards arrived not long after us. They were all dressed in top notch protective gear and brought special equipment. I stood awkwardly in the center of the room while they set up. With all the security cameras they had set up around the premise I felt like I was in a spy movie.

Eventually it was time, my heart started to crack in preparation for what was to come. After having a hour long chat with the guys...over protective much? It was my turn, and I hated it.

He stepped out of the room that they were all speaking in. Percy's fists were clenched at his sides. I swallowed, his face looked stern and twisted with a hidden pain. It was a pain I shared with him, I knew he was hurting like hell.

He crushed me into his arms, I pressed my face and body as close to his chest as I could. I didn't want him to go, that was my conclusion. He said nothing at first, he just held me as close to him as he could. Slightly rocking us back and forth he began,"do everything they say, don't leave their sides, and what ever happens don't leave this Cabin," he ordered. But under it I heard him cracking. He was the most dangerous and intimidating man I have ever met and he was breaking... over me.

"I promise," I said in a wispy voice. I promised myself I wouldn't crack, that I wouldn't get emotional.

He gripped me tighter, his nose sunk into the mark that belonged to him. He heard my pain because the next thing he said was,"I'll come back. I promise."

I felt my heart completely shatter. I held him even tighter, pressed my face closer to his broad, beating chest. A minute later he pulled back slowly, planting a lasting kiss to my forehead. No, it wasn't enough.

I pulled away, grabbing his face and smashing his lips to mine. It was a clumsy transition but one that I needed. He kissed me back, a simple lasting kiss. Just one was enough, just one I needed. Pulling back, the feeling of a cold blanket settled on where his warm lips were.

In a few seconds I was cold, watching him walk out the cabin door. He was gone, off to battle. But I believe him, that he would come back. Yet a dreadful feeling settled over me, like I knew something bad was going to happen.

Gabe walked into the room. He handed me a cup of hot chocolate, with a faint smile on his face he said," don't worry, if the sun fell on him he couldn't die. He'll be fine."

I nodded numbly. My throat was so tight I couldn't form words. "Come on," Gabe said taking my arm and leading me to the living room.

Like a feeling deep in my chest I felt it, the battle may have started but there was far more to come. I gripped tightly onto Gabe's arm. I'm glad my family's not here to experience this world, that would be my worst nightmare.

I stepped into my battle quarters. My skin itched without her near me, but I couldn't think about that now. I saw him, sitting on my bed. His head snapped up hearing me enter. I felt my heart skip a beat seeing his eyes. He had her eyes, only a couple shades darker.

He stood up, earning a intimidating glare from me. He didn't dare step forward, he was around seventeen. Tall, lanky, straight dark brown hair swept to the side. He was terrified of me, but his love for his sister overpowered that fear.
"Where's my sister! I'm tired of asking, I want answers!" He yelled, his hands were in fists at his sides.

I growled causing him to take a step back. He wasn't used to my inhuman sounds, he was a human after all. "Keep your voice down," I hissed. "Your sister is safe."

"You keep saying that but that's not good enough. Show me my sister!" His eyes were desperate but his body stood firm. I respected his strength and his loyalty for his sister. His determination was getting annoying though.

"I am at war. I have my people to protect and your sister to protect. If I were smart I'd drop you dead here and now," I spoke grabbing him by the collar. His eyes widen with fright, her eyes.

I dropped him, causing him to stumble back for balance. "but I'm not smart and have chosen to keep you alive." I turned my back to him, examining the battle ground map on my wall.

"So why keep me alive?" He asked, his voice edged.

I turned to him, looking him dead in the eye as I said," because your going to win the war for me."

His face was filled with confusion and anger," you said this battle would be easily won. You never said you would need me."

I rolled my eyes at his ignorance. "Not this war kid. The war over seas, the one between the Charm speaks and the Werewolves."

Perseous's Human MateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora