°Hōmu o Mitsukeru°

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-•Finding a Home•-

It didn't take long for you to get in the habit of training every day. As time passed you noticed yourself getting quite fit, enough for you to appreciate your own curves in the mirror. You slowly grew comfortable with both branches of agents, but felt most at home on the training yard.

Captain Amari was the first to join you this morning.

"Ah, nice to see you up so early, Agent (L/N). Practicing with the rifle again, are we?" She was one of your favorites, she treated you kindly and actually had pleasant conversation. You smiled to the sniper.

"I need the practice."

She chuckled fondly and set up beside you. You watched her technique as she settled her breathing to the point where her body was still. Her bolt action rifle fired its bullet and hit the target in its center. It truly was amazing, her accuracy. She smiled at you before looking over your own position.

"You know," she offered, "I've traveled the world and learned many things to help my aim, but nothing was more helpful than the at of meditation. Clear your mind like you would when you meditate, and focus and bringing your sights over your aim." She watched quietly as you for her instructions, being awarded with a shot through the abdomen.

"Not as good as a shot to the head, but still lethal. Well done soldier," she praised. You pulled the rifle off the counter, with a faint smile.

"I heard you brought Fareeha today," you offered, starting the conversation.

"Ah, yes she's staying with Gabriel at the moment," she replied, staring down her sights at her target. She fired. "Reinhardt seems excited about her visit, you should have been there when we walked into him," she chuckled, "His face lit up like a Christmas tree."

You smiled as you imagined the sight. "Yeah, he's a good man. I don't trust easily but I would trust that man with my life. Speaking of Gabriel, mind if I ask what you know about him?"

She paused before looking at you, "Well, he entered the military around the same time as Commander Morrison and myself. Those two used to used to be inseparable, you know. They never left each other's side."

"What happened to tear them apart so much?" Your question send to make her sigh and pause before answering.

"Jack was promoted to the commander of Overwatch. Gabriel thought he was too reckless to lead and resented him for it. Now that he runs Blackwatch, well, I worry for him. My dear Fareeha seems to be the only one who can bring out the old him."

You were the one who paused this time, thinking over what had been told to you. Truth be told you figured Jack's run-in-and-hope-for-the-best method was a recipe for disaster. That's why you respected and listened to Gabriel so much, because he was always looking at the whole picture and not a single individual. He always had a plan, even if something went wrong.

"Hmmm, I never knew. Thanks for sharing with me, Captain Amari. I think I'm going to head in for a bit of breakfast, would you care to join?"

"I'll be down in a moment, you go on ahead of me, alright?"

"Sure thing."

When you finally disappeared around the corner, the sniper frowned to herself.

"I worry about that girl. If something happens, Gabriel might just drag her down with him."


The dinning Hall was filled with familiar soldiers as you sat down next to McCree. Snagging a muffin off of his plate with a smirk, you took a bite before he could stop you, forcing him to chuckle.

"I haven't seen you this happy since you first met lil' Fareeha. You excited to see her around or something," he teased. His cowboy hat looked even more ridiculous at the breakfast table than it did at practice. You chuckled.

"There are very few things in the world that can make me happy anymore McCree, and yes, Fareeha is one of them." You nearly chocked as the massive hand of Reinhardt slapped you on the back in agreement, sitting down on your other side.

"Yes, my friends! Did you see her yet? She has the prettiest blue dress on!"

Amélie chuckled fondly from the other side of the table, Gerard sitting next to her with his arm slung over her shoulder. "Ouais, She's a très belle fille. "

You finished your muffin and got up to leave when Reinhardt stopped you.

"And where do you think you're going? It's our day off! Come have some fun with us," he bellowed, a big smile on his face. You smiled back, you could never say no to Reinhardt, he was too good a man.

"Alright then, what do you have planned."

"Oi? Did I hear that right? Miss workaholic will be joining us," Tracer yelled from the other end of the table, causing chuckles to pass around. You blushed slightly and stammered for a reply.

"Well, gun practice can wait a day, can't it?"

Mercy laughed. The rest finished their breakfasts, Ana joined as well, snagging a muffin off of Torbjorn's plate and causing you to raise an eyebrow. McCree shook his head at the two of you while the swede grumbled at the thievery.

Apparently the first activity of the day would hide and seek. Unfortunately, Tracer immediately insisted you'd have an unfair advantage, to which McCree immediately agreed upon. This resulted in you have being painted in a multitude of different colors to stand out.

Laughing at your own appearance, the game started.

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