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You sat in one of their interrogation rooms, sitting across the table from Gabriel Reyes, the leader of Blackwatch.

Your dagger had been confiscated, yet the second he walked in the room he removed your bindings. It was the most confusing order of events you'd experienced during your time at the base.

"So are you going to talk or am I," he questioned, leaning back against his chair. When you have no response he quirked an eyebrow.

"So now you're quiet? What about all that yelling and screaming after nearly slitting my throat?"

You grimaced.

He paused, watching your reaction.

"Well, Angela's told me what she knows about you, and Athena's pulled up all she can on you, but I don't think any of that even scratches the surface, does it?"

"So tell me, (Y/N) Tanukyo, what exactly happened in Hanamura to make you so volatile? Doc said when they found you, you were covered in bruises, not to mention the arrow sticking out of your chest and the giant hole in your stomach."

You paused, stretching your hands and rubbing your wrists.

"My name is not Tanukyo. My name is (L/N). Miss Tanukyo was a servant four the Shimada clan."

He leaned forward interested.

"Tell me more."

"She was orphaned at a young age, the men who took care of her told her it was a fire that killed her family. For years she grew up being told to be grateful that she had been saved and that she had a roof over her head, and that in order to repay the kindness she was to be a servant for them. She grew into a beautiful girl, the most obedient and the most loyal. One day, there was an attack on the family she worked for. She saved his life. His father made her part of the guard, but it did nothing to better the way she was treated. The guards hated her and the servants were jealous of her, but it didn't last long. She was supposed to marry into the family, and when they told everyone they started to respect her. Not because they were told to, but because she played the part so well. When she met her fiance for the first time, he seemed so nice and caring. As time went on, he turned abusive. She couldn't say anything though, because he would always have the advantage. When her friends finally found out, he made a plot to have her killed. He labeled her a traitor and a witch. In the end, he won. He had her own best friends kill her."

There was a long silence before anyone said anything.

Finally, you looked up at him, a smile on your face that contrasted your glare.

"And you know why she kept quiet? Because he told her 'You want to be part of the family, don't you? Then you'll do whatever I say, without a single sound of protest.' Now doesn't that sound kind of familiar?"


It turned out you were to unstable to join the team of Overwatch. They were worried you'd be set off and act out of line. You were however, selected to join Blackwatch, the much more ruthless branch. Commander Reyes was very interested in you, and wanted to train you and use that rage you kept hidden. He concluded you weren't angry at Reiko, but at yourself for letting him do those things to you.

You scoffed at the idea, but under his supervision you were allowed to train and use weapons. You had your own agenda to pursue, and he didn't mind. No, he encouraged you. You were going to help him kill every corrupt man and omnic that ever stupid in your way.

But you remembered. You wouldn't grow too comfortable. Every Rose has its thorns, and you were sure you would be better again. For now, however, you stood at the doorway to your new room, your uniform in your arms and your dagger returned to you. Looking in the mirror you could still see the scar above your collar bone, could still see the girl you used to be. A name change wasn't enough.

Setting down your uniform and moving towards the vanity, you searched it for some scissors. Finding your answer you sat down in front​ of the mirror and began to snip. Your hair fell away in large locks and you made sure each side was even. In the mirror stared a girl who's heart has hardened and who's eyes grew cold. This was the girl who could defend herself.

Standing back up, you swept the hair into the trash and changed into your uniform. Zipping it up you admired yourself in the mirror. You were sleek and intimidating. Your uniform consisted of a black bodysuit with armor plating clipped onto your chest, arms, and legs, and over your heart was the Blackwatch crest.

Stepping out into the hallway, you made your way to the area in which you were supposed to train. It was different from the one you first fought at. This one held walls and tables of different weapons, a firing range, and a large open area with moving obstacles. You turned at the not so stealthy footsteps, spotting a scrappy male with a cowboy hat. He had hard planes for a face and a nice stubble that made his smile more prominent. He died trying to sneak up on you and stood straight.

"Guess you can't sneak up on a ninja."

You chuckled, "I'm no Ninja, I'm merely trained in Japanese combat and weaponry."

His smile grew, and his southern accent thickened, "That makes you a ninja in my books, Darling."

"Enough of the chatter," commanded Reyes as he walked into the room, "Let's get you trained on some more modern weaponry."

Where Your Loyalties Lie [Hanzo X Reader X Genji]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon