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Even after years of slavery, your life would still be on course.

You might not have the life you fantasized, though you still have a future.

If you were given the choice, however, to leave all you've ever known for a different life, one like the life you left behind.

Would you take the chance?

Could you really build up the courage to take down your only pillar of normality?


The air was crisp, the sun barely finding the strength to fight the evening chill as it climbed the horizon. Inside the Shimada castle, the servants hustled and bustled to prepare the morning meal for their masters.

"We will not move from this spot until you can do it without flaw."

Guards hid in the shadows, disturbing not the beauty of the place. Waking past in a brisk manner, a young girl carried platters, silver domes of food, to be presented to the household.

"Once more."

The doors to the dining hall opened gracefully as the most influential of the family entered. Servants slid gracefully to the scene, pulling out chairs and sliding them back in as the Shimadas sat down.

Bowing your head, your sensei dismissed you. From down the corridors, you could hear the Shimadas converse, but tuned it out. Bruises covered your arms, the result of blocking countless attacks made against you. There were some shallow cuts too, from learning how polish your naginata¹. Calmly wrapping your limbs, you covered the gauze with a kimono and made towards the kitchens.

The other servants kept occupied around you, something always had to be done. The controlled chaos sharply contrasted the peace of the dining table around the corner. Grabbing one of the silver domes, you proceeded to walk out, keeping your head bowed. Unliding it, you took a step back, waiting until you were dismissed.

"Hanzo, see to it that you master it by the end of the day, you've been slipping as of late."

"Yes father, it should be done by dinner."

"Good, and Genji, I want you to finish your lessons with your trainer today, you should be practicing on your own by now."

"Hai, we will, father."

It was much more difficult to block out the conversation at such a close vicinity, but they paid you no mind, seeming to have forgotten you were even there.

As it should be. A servant shouldn't attract attention.

As the Shimadas continued to converse, it became apparent that you weren't going to be dismissed any time soon.

From your head's bowed state you watched the room. Tapestries hung about, giving color to the space around it, a servant by the far wall, a guard near the door. The dishes of food were slowly vanishing.

Walking forward, you began to pour more beverages into waiting cups. That's when it caught your eye. The movement of the servant. They shouldn't move unless attending to the needs of the Shimadas. Setting the jug down on the table with a clatter you flung your arm behind young master Hanzo's head.

You grunted in pain, though fortunately it only took a moment for the guard take down the assassin and prevent further attacks. Withdrawing your arm, you looked back for a moment, ensuring the culprit had been apprehended, before attending to your arm. The kimono had been cut, the bandages on your arms as well, as both began to soak up the blood from the wound caused by a single kunai². A fellow servant rushed to your side and, pulling the kunai from your injury, you passed it off to her, applying pressure to the wound.

Master Shimada and his sons cast you glances of approval and gratitude, all conversation had stopped. The head of the house raised his arm and summoned for the sensei while the sons continued to eat.

"Sir," he bowed, casting a single glance your way, "You called?"

"How is this one's training proceeding?"

"Excellent, sir, she's more skilled than any of the other servants."

"And in comparison to the guard?"

"Still a child."

"I want that fixed, have her removed from the servants roster and moved to the guard. Her training will take priority of any of her other tasks unless otherwise specified by myself."

"Hai, it will be done immediately."

"You are dismissed," Master Shimada commanded, then turning to his son, "See her to the infirmary."

"But father."

"But nothing, she saved your life Hanzo, the least you can do is see that she's cared for."

With a glare, the eldest stood from his position on the mat. Young Master Hanzo grabbed hold of your arm, making you visibly wince, though he ignored it until his brother spoke up.

"Why don't I take her? I've already finished my meal and I'm sure she wouldn't mind."

"Very well, be quick about it. I don't want to hear of her collapsing from blood loss."

With that, the younger brother rise and placed a hands on your uninjured arm, leading you towards the infirmary despite it being common knowledge where to find it.

"Y/n, was it?"

"I apologize, Young Master Genji, but I do not believe sensei spoke of my name."

"Hm, I suppose that's true. I asked one of the servants while you were occupied with your wound."

You gave a nod, the firm pressure of your fingers against your flesh as good a reminder as any over the events of the last ten minutes.

Silence involved itself, reverting you back to proper manners. You did not look at him, speak to him, or walk in a pace any different from his own unless it was asked of you.


"Yes?" you replied as you turned to face him, having stopped outside the doors to medical attention.

"Thank you for saving my brother's life."

He walked off without another word, leaving you to knock on the frame of the doorway and await help for your injury.

Where Your Loyalties Lie [Hanzo X Reader X Genji]Where stories live. Discover now