Masky Route 8

Começar do início

He is the one that is now lying on the ground and I am beaming with pride in myself as I grab both of his arms and hold them down. He lets out a little laugh as I look down on him. I lower my head to where my lips barely brush his ear as I whisper to him. "Never doubt my acting skills."

He laughs as he quickly forces my arms off of him, pulling my torso down onto his, rolling us around to where he was now the one back on top. This time, he doesn't hold my arms down, but keeps it on my back as he lowers his head to where his mouth would be by my ear. "I've never doubted you." He says to me. He raises one hand over my shoulder to pull up his mask to reveal his face, and kisses my ear, sending a slight rush of blood to my face.

His lips move from my neck, up to my chin and to my lips. He stops and looks to a certain direction before putting his mask back on and sitting up beside me. I wonder why he stopped, so I get closer to him and wrap my arms around him. He takes me on his lap and holds me in place as he traces his finger up my arm to my neck. 

"WHOAH WHOAH WHOAH NOW... This isn't the training I was told we were supposed to do." BEN says, stepping up right next to us. "Although, if it is, I need a new partner." BEN looks to Hoodie, who is shaking his head no at him, then turns back to me and Masky, who is just keeping me in place and not letting me move off of him. "What's the matter? Afraid I'm going to tell Slender about your little baby making session?"

I roll my eyes and Masky facepalms. "Do you actually know how babies are made or do you just assume any act of love is a part of it?" Masky asks BEN. BEN's face turns red and he turns away from us.

"Of course I do, I was just making a joke!" He says back toMasky. He walks off into the direction of the manor, leaving the three of us alone. Does he really not know? Of course he knows since he is the most flirtatious of everyone here, Masky being a very close second. Still, I can't help but to wonder...

Hoodie is the first one to speak up, "We should head back for lunch." We both get up hand in hand and follow Hoodie to the Manor.  When we get to the door, Hoodie goes in and Masky stops me. He give me a big embrace and lifted me up, "You don't know how much you make me happy!" He sets me down and I laugh. I didn't know I meant that much to him. I'm glad I make him happy, though.

Two nights later~

BEN asked me to play a game with him. Well, more like demanded that I should or he would tell Slender that me and Masky weren't training. I accepted and sat down next to him as he handed me a controller. I was player 2 because BEN said 'He is ALWAYS player 1', whatever that means. We play for almost an hour before I get bored. Videogames just aren't my thing, but BEN won't let me stop. All I do is die in this game, so I don't know why BEN is having such a fun time with it.

Another agonizing hour later and BEN shuts off the game in the middle of a round and turns to me with no expression. I ask him what's up since he never shuts off a game like that. "Are you okay?"

"New game." He says

"Okay..? What game this time? I really should get to bed, Masky is--" I get cut off by him.

"Forget about Masky, focus on ME. I never get alone time with you, so don't talk about him." He says clearly irritated, "You're MY game now~..."

BEN jumps at me, grabbing my arms and trying to pull me with him into the... television? Flashes of lights are coming from where he now is crawling in, pulling me in with him. I scream out for help, trying to wriggle out of BEN's grasp.

"MASKY!! SOMEONE HELP ME!" I yell in desperation. I hear someone running down the hallway as my body slides through the TV, legs first, then all the way up to my head. Only my hands remain, trying to keep my grasp on the TV from the outside. My hands start to slip before someone grabs my hands and pulls me with a great force out of the TV and into their arms. I look up to see who my savior was. I latch onto Masky so that if BEN came back, he would have to pry me away from him to get me.

My Imperfect (Various!Creepypastas x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora