Hoodie Route 3

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The next morning, Slenderman gathers us all in the living room and makes us sit. Just like last time, Hoodie comes in last with Sally and she runs up and hugs me.

"You weren't with me when I woke up!" She yelps. I nod and tell her that she would be more comfortable in her room. She just accepts my answer and looks a Hoodie, patting the seat next to her and me for him to sit down. He shakes his head and sits on the ground next to Masky's seat.

Slender then takes this opportunity of silence to speak up. "Last night, a group of wanderers come to this Mansion last night. Luckily they didn't try to break in." He says. I look down and Hoodie looked over to me. I can practically feel his anger toward me by placing Sally in danger. "This has been happening more frequently now, so we need to take care of this issue."

"Gladly." Jeff speaks up. He takes out his knife and starts to head out the door.

"Not now. Tonight we will have watches in order to take them out. Jeff, since you're so keen on this, you can take two shifts alone. Jane next, then BEN with Masky. Y/N, how about you take the last shift with Hoodie?"

I look over to Hoodie who is now face palming, or.. Mask palming..

"Good, it's settled then. Get to your assignments and training." Slender says before he leaves.

We all nod and I head with Masky outside. He has been my partner ever since I came here and is very nice to me. He hands me a knife and tells me to take a stance. We fight for a while before BEN comes outside to watch, like usual. We then take a break and BEN once again tries to hit me up with pickup lines while trying to actually pick me up.

"Hoodie's not coming out?" Masky asks BEN.

"Naw. He doesn't want to come out right now. I think it's because he can't handle the heat. The heat between the hotness of me and Y/N." BEN says suggestively.

I roll my eyes and walk past him to go into the house. "I'm going to get a water." I yell back to Masky.

I walk into the back door of the house and go into the kitchen. I see Hoodie eating a cheesecake on the island and I remember back to when he avoided being next to me, so I keep my distance. I used to always try to say hi to him when I first came to the house, but I have given up now. I get a water out from the fridge and turn around to face the window to see outside and what BEN and Masky are doing. They look like they are training together, moving so fast I can't even keep up with my eyes. BEN gets his knife stuck in the trunk of the tree and I let out a small giggle. Masky takes the opportunity to come at him, but failed miserably by tripping, almost stabbing himself in the mask.

I let out an audible gasp as this unfolded. I know I could care less if anyone got hurt, but for some reason... I cared.

When I saw that he was fine, I turned away from the window a little to see Hoodie staring at me again. What in the world is his problem!? I pretend that I don't notice and drink my water. He seems to be agitated and I look over to him. This time though, he doesn't look away.

"What's your problem?" I say to him.

He seems to be taken back a little, but then stands up and takes his plate to the sink next to me.

"My problem," he says back, "Is you."

He turns back around and leaves to go outside to probably get BEN or Hoodie to fight him. Maybe he is referring to us having to be together tonight on lookout.

I walk back outside and we all four fight separately. The day ended normally and we went to sleep, while others went on duty.

I hear Jane leaving her bed and jump over me to go on watch. I don't know when I need to wake up for mine, but I know that Jane still has to come back to bed and BEN can't resist the opportunity to come wake me up. I fall back asleep and wait.

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