Zero Route 1

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The day started with me waking up on a mattress by Jane's bed on the floor. Her room is kind of messy, but in a girl messy kind of way. Trinkets were uneven on the shelves, dust here and there, makeup scattered all over her vanity, and clothes decorating her black rug. I go to the bathroom and wash my face and do whatever I need to do in the bathroom before heading back to Jane's room. Being new here, I had to borrow clothes from Jane who was thankfully my size. I choose a simple black tank top with grey skinny jeans and my converses. I fix my hair into a ponytail and head to the kitchen.

As I walk down the hallway, Masky greets me and tells me that I have to train with him today.

"Since you're new, you have to be combat ready at any time, so get breakfast and head outside." Masky orders me. Who does he think he is?

"Um. No. Thanks." I say, continuing my walk toward the staircase.

"What do you mean by no? It's Slender's order." Masky refutes.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't hear him say anything so he must not have told me. Bye." I say with a snap to my voice. He gives me a confused face and responds back, "Ask Slender yourself then, but either way you will have to meet with me outside whether you like it or not."

I ignore Masky and head straight for Slender's office to discuss my daily activities. I walk to this big door and knock. I hear Slender tell me to come in and I open the door and take a seat across from him.

"So... Masky says that I have to kick his butt in training today. Is that true?" I ask Slender.

"Well those weren't particularly my exact words, but yes." He tells me.

I sigh at this and imagine how Masky is going to rub it in to me later. "Do I have to? I mean I'm not even sure why I'm here anyways." I ask Slender. Why am I here? Why is he keeping me alive and letting me stay here?

"Child, you have given so much to me and my family, so I want to return the favor by granting you life here. But, in order for this to work, I cannot play favorites and you need to pull your weight here too just like the rest of us." He explains.

I keep nodding at his lecture and keep daydreaming about how many ways I can hurt Masky. He can't be that good, can he? I always thought that that mask of his is to keep people from recognizing his identity as the one who always got beat up in fights he starts.

"Y/N" Slender gets my attention away from my intriguing thoughts.

"Yes, sir?" I ask back.

"Hm.. You know, something about you seems different. There is no... Oh how do I explain this? Sparkle in your eyes." Slender tells me.

"It's because we are in a relatively dark room and if I was outside it would naturally gleam from the rays of the sun." I respond.

"No.. There is no sparkle of hope in your eyes. No will to live anymore. I know that look quite well. I just hate seeing it on you.

"Oh. Uh.. Sorry?" I say while getting up from my seat and head to the door, "Maybe it'll return when I go kick Masky's ass. See ya!" I say, closing the door behind me and head to the staircase. Masky stands there waiting for me with an irritated stance.

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