Masky Route 7

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It's been a whole day since Masky left. I had went into Hoodie's room and told him that I was going to go out to find Masky and he said he'd cover for me. Right now, I'm in the city trying to get to the café. It has been a long time since I had saw this place. I barely recognize it and accidentally take a few wrong turns, but eventually reach my destination. There are a lot of people out just walking around and some bump into me.

I stop walking when I reach a few tables in front of the café under umbrellas and look around. I see a familiar figure sitting at a table, leaning back in a chair lazily with a hat on his face. I know that person: Masky. He has his mask off in the human world with no hoody on. Just a regular t-shirt and cargo shorts. I take a step to him and was about to call out his name before stopping. I can't just yell 'Masky' without bringing up suspicious looks from people! What was his real name again? Brian? No, that is Hoodie's name. Tim?

"Tim!" I yell at him. He leans up and the hat slowly falls from his face, but I get pushed from the side by a busy person walking. I'm twisted around in the other direction and mentally curse at the person who hit me. When I turn back around, Masky is no longer sitting down. He had gotten up and went somewhere else. I run up to the table and frantically look around for him to no avail. I decide to walk around the building through the alleyway. He couldn't have gotten that far, and if he wanted me to find him here, he wouldn't just disappear when I find him.

Before I get too far, I feel someone embrace me from behind. I know some random stranger wouldn't do that in plain daylight, so I know it is Masky. He can't have his mask on in public, so I know he is also bare. I try to turn around but he holds his grip on me. "No, no, no~" He says in my ear, "I've finished my work. Let's walk back together."

"Is that all you wanted? To walk back together?" I ask him. It's a waste of time for me to come over here to meet him when he could have just came back to the mansion and saw me. What is he playing at?

He nods into my neck and pulls me into the direction he wants me to walk. It's awkward to walk with him directly behind me and in his hold, and he notices that too. We stop for a couple seconds before going onto the busy street. He puts his mouth near my nose again, "I want to walk back with you without you seeing my face. Don't worry, you will soon. Just not now. Can you promise me that?"

I nod, "If that is what you want. I just don't get it. Why can all these people see you when I can't?"

"Because they don't know me. You're special. Please just promise not to look as we go back." He begs once more. I agree and he lets go of me, walking behind me. We pass a few blocks and get to a crosswalk. As I see the light go green for me to walk, I feel him grab my hand so we don't get separated. He is still walking behind me, but at least I can hold his hand. When we get near the park located near the trees, he goes next to me. My curiosity heightens when I can just turn my head and look up at him to see his face, but stop myself. There is a nagging urge to just look at him but I know he would get upset if I did. I promised and need to keep it.

When we get into the trees, he puts his arm around my shoulders and I am even closer to him. There is nothing on this earth that I want more than to look at him right now. The urge is quickly growing but I'm trying to drown it. When we get even closer to the mansion after a ton of walking, he takes my hand again and speeds up. He is running ahead, dragging me along, and gets into the property line. Before we can reach the door, he lets go of my hand and opens the door.

There is a split second decision that I had to make. He turned around to face me with the door open with his mask still off. Before I could see anything, I quickly shut my eyes tight to not see him. I hear him laugh and the door shut. I'm standing still, afraid of opening them and him still being in front on me and not inside. As I thought, he didn't go inside and instead put his hands on my cheek. I feel his lips on my forehead and then I am engulfed in a hug.

My Imperfect (Various!Creepypastas x Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat