Common Route 3

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The little girl stares up at me with beaming eyes as her hair bounces up and down, her pink dress to her knees swooshing back and forth.

"You're new! Are you my next toy to play with? Jeffy hasn't brought me a new toy for a long time now." She says. New toy? Does she mean she thinks I will play with her, or if I'm a doll to be played with? What kind of toys does this 'Jeffy' bring her?

"Sorry kid, I'm here on strict business." I say to her. Her eyes seem to dim down and I could have sworn that it turned dark for a moment when I brushed passed her. "You two, where is Slender?" I say to the two males, still struggling in the ropes.

"Who are you?" The male with a feminine mask asks me.

"No, I'm not going through this mess again," I say, thinking back to the conversation just a moment ago at the door, "Just tell me where he is."

"Nobody see's the boss without going through us." He tells me. Is he serious? Thinking that he is the one with authority when HE is the one who is tied up.

"I am Y/N, my caretaker is Trenderman, now please, where is Slenderman?"

"Untie us first." He tries to negotiate. Whatever, it's not like I can get lost here anyways. He did say to untie them, he never said that Slender wasn't here.

"Okay noobs, I'll find him myself, thanks for nothing." I say to them as I turn my back to leave down a hallway. If I remember correctly, I came here before once and had to go up a staircase and there should be a room here that is like an office. I walk up the grand staircase and turn to the first room on the left. Before I can get near the door, a tall girl with long black hair comes up to me, examining me.

"Looks like you got passed dumb and dumber." She finally says to me.

"It wasn't that much of a problem, they are tied up." I say to her.

"Oh, Sally. I'm going to have to talk with her later to thank her---- I mean discipline her.." She corrects herself. I nod my head and continue to try to open the door before she yelps. "Don't go in there! Slender gets really mad when people don't knock, and especially mad when people come unplanned!"

I look at her like she is crazy. Who are these people? I am here strictly on business, sent by Trender, why wouldn't he not know why I am here? He should know.

I open the door, despite the tall girl's request, and walk on in. I feel a headache coming on and here a low growl coming from the other end of the room. The tall chair from behind a large desk turns and he stands up to yell, however, he stops. When he sees me, he walks toward me and embraces me. After a couple of seconds, he lets me go and gives a head tilt to me, wondering why I am here. Did Trender not tell him that I was on my way to deliver a message?

"I have this message for you. Trender wants me to also listen to whatever you say once you read it, so I'm guessing that I will be sent on another mission or something." I say to Slender. He gives a curt nod and takes the paper from my hand and reads it. He doesn't have a face, but his bone structure changes into what seems like a more stressed reaction. I wait by the door for orders, but nothing comes. It is a short message from what I can see, but he seems to be reading it over again. Whatever it is, it seems really important..

Slender tells me to leave the room and go back to the living room. I nod and abruptly leave back out the door and down the steps. The two guys are still tied, but this time their wigs are back on, curtesy of Sally, and Jane is sitting on the sofa just watching and laughing. I let out a sigh and walk up to an empty chair and sit down on it. Everyone's eyes fall on me again, expecting for me to say something about my presence. I turn my head, not wanting to say anything and just look around the room. There is a T.V. on the wall with tons of gaming consoles underneath it. A kitchen entrance on the far wall across from me, and three sofas and one chair, all facing the flat screen television. I take the time to also examine the others a bit more closely. First, the tall girl with black hair seems about my age, and just a few inches taller than me. Her skin is extremely pale, and she is wearing a lot of makeup. Her clothing is mostly black and some reds and purples, along with high heels.

The littlest of the four is the little girl Sally. She has emerald green eyes that shine with everything she does. Right now, she is forcing the feminine-masked guy to eat some tiny cookies by trying to life up his mask. He starts to move around, forcing himself to loosen the grip on the rope that is now just getting tighter. The other male next to him has on a mask with red circles for eyes and a red frown. They are both wearing dresses along with stiletto high heels. I watch this scene for a moment before the feminine-masked male yells out.


"No. The only person I will be helping is myself to some cheesecake in the fridge." She gives the two a sly smile and gets up from the couch and walks over to the other side of the room. The two males both pause and look at each other and then thrash about, trying to get free from the clutches of Sally. I can tell that everyone is amused except for the two males. I decide to get up and help the frowny guy get loose, just because he has been the quietest and the least annoying today. I walk behind him without him noticing me, and untie his hands, arms, and torso. I walk over to the other side of the chair in which he is tied to and free his legs and feet. The other male looks at me, thinking that I am going to free him too, but Sally gave me a frown.

"Let me at least have one to play with." She says to me innocently. I give her a nod and look back to the guy I was untying. I wanted to untie him in the first place because he was the less annoying one, but now I'm not so sure. He is staring me down through his mask and it is making me uncomfortable. For some reason though, I can't move. It is like he has captured me in some weird trance that I can't stop staring into the red circles for eyes of his. My trance was broken when I hear the front door open and slam shut. I turn my head to see who it is, but I wish I hadn't.

"Who is she?" The tall pale guy with raven hair asks no one in particular. He starts coming closer to me and takes out what seems to be a recently used blade from his off-white, stained hoodie. I stand up and my height doesn't even compare to his. He towers over me, making me walk backwards and fall on the chair I was sitting at earlier. He leans down to inspect me, and then with a quick motion, he places his knife on my neck. "I said... WHO THE FUCK IS SHE!?"

"I am.. Y/N. Here to see Slender.." I say to him as the blade sinks deeper onto my skin. Any further and it will break.

Jane returned from the kitchen from hearing the noise and runs over to me, throwing the guy off of me and onto the floor. Sally hops over to the guy and asks if he brought her a toy. Maybe this is the guy she called Jeff earlier. I can already tell that the toys he brings her and NOT child friendly.

"Jane, get off of me! Sally, go to your room. You two, go to the kitchen or something. You," He points to me, "Leave."

"You're not the boss of me Jeffy." Sally states while hopping up and down. Jane was about to say something also, but Slender came in at the exact moment. He saw the mess on the floor and the walls and immediately you can tell he was upset. When he saw me, he regained his composure and commanded everyone to listen to him.

"I have received news that Zalgo is holding another one of his 'meetings'. He requested for everyone to come join him for his annual celebration of his kingship in the underworld. As usual, there will have to be a sacrifice to him and he is expecting a great one for his 40th year of ruling." Slender says with an authoritative voice. Murmurings are getting louder as he tries to calm himself for the next part.

"As usual, we need to scour the city for another victim to be the offering for him, and quick. It will be held in two months exactly from today... Another thing.." He adds, "Y/N will be staying with us for the remainder of... well.. forever."

"What?" I blurt out without thinking. What could he mean by that? Did Trender kick me out? Memories from my parents creep up into my mind. Everyone faces me with weird expression on their faces.

"I guess an explanation is in order for once, huh?" He says. "Lets start explaining things at dinner with everyone, okay?" With the last part said, he leaves the room, only for my ears to be met with silence. Everyone turns to face me except for the frown mask guy, in which he just stared at the floor. What happens after that, I don't really care because my mind became lost in thought. Am I really being left alone, again?

My Imperfect (Various!Creepypastas x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt