Letting Go the Past (Continued)

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"Oh Gary-ah...what is going on between you and Ji Hyo?...she came to me crying..."

Just then Gary comes back into his office.

"Oh Gary...it's Jong Kook."

Gil, hands the phone to Gary.

"Oh, hyung..what is it?"

"Gary-ah...you need to come to my place...Ji Hyo is here...she's been crying."

"Okay hyung...I'll be right there."

Gary took the ring from the desk.

"Gil, I am going to Jong Kook's place...Ji Hyo is there."

"Gary, Ji Hyo has gone through so much with you...if you still have feelings for your ex girlfriend and she still has feelings for you...let Ji Hyo go....don't hurt her anymore."

"Gil...I have to go...I'll talk to you when I get back."

Gary left his studio and went to to meet Jong Kook at the lobby of his apartment building.

"Oh, Gary-ah...Ji Hyo told me what happened...what's wrong with you?...don't you love Ji Hyo?...why are you hurting her like this?...you need to talk...here...this is my key to my apartment...she should still be sleeping...go up there and talk to her...I'll leave you two alone while I do some errands..."

"Thank you Hyung."

Jong Kook left Gary on his own.  Gary immediately went up to Jong Kook's place.  He quietly opened the door and saw Ji Hyo peacefully sleeping on his couch.  She was so exhausted, she didn't even hear him come in.  He knelt down beside her and gently shook her arm to wake her up.

"Hmmm..." she moaned.

"Ji Hyo...it's me...Gary...wake up."

"Huh!...what are you doing here?...how did you find me?"

Startled to hear Gary's voice, Ji Hyo immediately sat up.

"Ji Hyo...please...we need to talk."

"Uhm...okay but wher is Jong Kook,oppa?" she asked.

"He went to do some errands...he'll be back a little later." Gary said.

Gary sits next to her on the couch. 

"First, I want you to take this back." he said.

Gary takes the ring out of his pocket and slips it back on Ji Hyo's finger.

A single tear comes down the corner of her eye as he gently and lovingly slips the ring back on her finger.

"Ji Hyo...I never wanted to hurt you...I love you very much...the woman you saw me with...we had a long history together...do you remember I told you about my last relationship?...well that was her....she was the girl that left me...we had a very bad fallout and she left....and I never heard from her again...I was really hurt by that relationship that I wrote all those songs about her....she meant a lot to me back then and I never really got over her....it took me awhile to open my heart to someone again after that...until you came along....you helped erased those memories that have been haunting me all those years...I never thought I would find love again but I did....but now...seeing her again after all these years...I'm a bit confused....I have a lot of unanswered questions that I need to ask her....I still love you Ji Hyo but I need to clear things up with "her" before I can truly commit myself to you...I want to be honest with you Ji Hyo...that is why I am saying this to you...please try to understand....I need some time to think things through....I really don't mean to hurt you but this just came as a surprise to me....I don't want to start our marriage with a lie, so I want to be honest with you with how I am feeling right now...can you understand what I'm saying?"

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