"What do you want?" Sansa asked. Her voice was low and angry and Raya wouldn't have thought Sansa was capable of speaking like that from a first glance.

"I get that you're angry with me, and I know you aren"t going to forgive me anytime soon, and I don't expect you too," she said. Sansa's eyes danced over her face, her gaze not softening, "But I'd at least like to become friends before I am sent off to Highgarden."

"I can't be friends with you Raya," Sansa muttered, her gaze dropping.

Raya's eyebrows furrowed as she looked at the girl before her, "Why not?"

"Because I can't. I'm married and you'll be married soon and you kissed Margaery! You kissed her and I knew she wanted you, but I didn't do anything to stop you from being around her. Margaery is smarter and prettier and a lot more experienced than I am. I practically gave you to her!" Sansa whisper yelled.

Raya looked at Sansa slightly bewildered at her rant, "You didn't give me to Margaery, Sansa," Sansa looked at her, "Have you been blaming yourself?"

Sansa opened her mouth and shut it three times. Raya was hesitant to reach out and touch Sansa. When the other girl didn't pull away, Raya lightly grabbed Sansa's wrist, allowing her fingertips to barely ghost over her skin.

"Sansa, it is not your fault. And please don't sell yourself short. You are smart and you are the prettiest girl in the Seven Kingdoms and beyond. I was stupid and I hurt you. I will regret it until my dying day," Raya told her.

Sansa stared at Raya, blinking a few times before she looked somewhere else. Raya could hear Sansa sniffle as she pulled her wrist away from her, "You can't say things like that."

Raya was confused at what Sansa had muttered, "Say things like what?"

Sansa shook her head at the question, "It doesn't matter, I have to go find my husband."

Raya watched as Sansa moved quickly away from her. What had she said wrong that had made the other girl leave in a hurry?

"That'll be us soon," Loras said, shaking her from her thoughts of Sansa. She was no longer in Raya's eyesight so she turned to face Loras.

As she rolled her eyes, she said, "I'm shaking with excitement."

Loras chuckled at her sarcasm, "Well be grateful, I am your key out of this place."

"That you are," she saw her family and sighed, "I believe that this is where we part ways Ser Loras."

"It saddens me, parting is such sorrow," Loras said with a chuckle. Raya grinned as she took her seat next to her younger brother.

Joffrey stood and announced the war of the five kings. Raya watched with a frown as dwarf Renly was stabbed. She remembered her uncle as a kind and fair man. He would have made a better king than Joffrey, but that wasn't saying much. Her head turned as she heard the loud sound of a chair scrapping against the floor. She watched as Loras's tall form disappeared.

Dwarf Stannis was hit with "wildfire" and had burned. Dwarf Balon Greyjoy, was brought down by Dwarf Robb Stark. The final battle was between 'Robb' and 'Joffrey', which 'Joffrey' won by taking the wolf head off of the 'Robb.'

Joffrey was enjoying the play so much, that when he took a sip of wine, he spat it back out. Margaery looked so disturbed, and Raya didn't need to look around to see that no one else was truly enjoying this, aside from her family. She could wait till they lost something important, so they could be brought down a notch.

Raya watched silently as Joffrey called out their Uncle. Calmly, Tyrion stood up and insulted him. Joffrey walked over to Tyrion and poured the remaining wine from his glass, onto their uncle's head. Beside her Tommen scooted closer to her, trying not to get any wine on him.

Waiting Game. | Sansa StarkWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt