Chapter 23

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I woke up sitting on the couch in the green room with Theo leaning on my shoulder. "Hey Theo?"  I asked. "Yeah?" he said his voice cracking since it was the morning and he had just woken up. "I need to show you something" 

"Abs its seven in the morning can it wait?" 


I took Theo's hand and dragged him up the stairs to my room. "Hey Annabeth Hey Percy" I said to the couple sitting on the couch. "Hey" they said. I sat Theo down on Percy and Annabeth's bed and grabbed the familiar sea green book from my shelf and handed it to Theo. "Abs what is this?"

"Read it today here with me"

"-but what is Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief?"

"Read please and tell your mom we are walking to the theater together"

I walked and got coffee in the kitchen and sat down next to Percy. "Theo is reading the book I think he might be a-"

"Abby. Don't say that. We don't know yet, Ill need to get Grover to know"

I walked back into my room after finishing my coffee and Theo was almost done with the book he had about 30 pages left. "Theo how do you read that fast?"

" idonkno" he said while still reading. he finished the rest of the book in about 10 minutes. "Theo, what do you think of that world?" I asked. "Well its very cool and I would love to be a part of it" he said while fighting with his shirt. "ok lets go get Annabeth and Percy"

Grover came over in about three seconds after hearing about Theo. He had his fake shoes on and  pants. He sniffed the air quickly and started shooting questions at Theo. "Is your parent single?  Do you have ADHD? Dyslexia?"

"woah yeah I have dyslexia and ADHD. No my mom is not single. She is married to my dad" He said quickly. I knew it. " Theo sit down we are going to talk to you about something very important. You know that book you read. Thats real. Percy is Percy from the book-" 

"No-" he interrupted. "yes" Percy said. "Prove it" Theo challenged. Percy pulled out riptide and made the sink shoot out water and fill up a cup. "Theo Annabeth is the same as the book and so is Grover. I am a daughter of Poseidon also Percy's half sister. We think you are also a demigod. Can you call your parents and bing them both here?" Right then and there a grey owl appeared over Theo's head. "What does that mean?" He asked. "Call your parents now" Annabeth said calmly. 

Theos parents came and we explained our whole story. "So what is up with you guys" Grover asked. " Well we both are demigods so I guess that Theo has been claimed as Athena's"

After some explanation we came to an agreement that Theo was going to stay with us for the time being and we set up a cot in our room for him to sleep on. He sat there confused and Annabeth took him under her wing. I took Percy up to the roof to talk. "Percy, last night Theo asked me out and I said yes is that okay?"

"I have shipped it from the beginning"

After a while Theo came up to the roof with a late lunch and we all ate on the roof together. Theo and I then walked back down to our room and got the stuff for the show tonight that we needed and walked to the theater. The show went smoothly was we walked back and went right to bed.

Adopted by the Cast of Hamilton (fandom overload)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat