Chapter 7

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Monday morning Lin's POV

I woke up and texted Jon.
Jon r u ready to go to camp
Of corse I am dude r u bring Seb
Yeah why not I mean he could be a demigod
We should get going I will pick u up in 10
Kk 😊

I got into my camp half blood shirt, put on cargo shorts, and grabbed Seb who was sitting and playing with trains in his pajamas. I put him in cargo shorts and an orange t-shirt. I mean we had to match. "We go camp?" Seb asked me. "Yeah camp"
"Were gonna see Abby"

I got some cereal and my old dagger from when I went to camp. I missed that place. While putting on my Converse I remembered when I was claimed I was so surprised but I was ecstatic both Jon and I were going to be in the same cabin. That same night Ben was claimed by Zeus and I was jealous. That was stupid thought because we had all become close friends. It was so confusing because Ben was 5 but I was 19. We were found by the same sayters he was like my little brother. Apparently it was rare that I survived until then but I was glad Ben was found. I was taken out of my train of thought when Seb threw my keys at me. He had put on his navy high top Converse by himself and he looked so proud of himself. His bright eyes were a mix of blue and grey.
I had always wondered what would happen if 2 demigods with different parents had a kid. Would they be a god or maybe not even a demigod just a normal mortal with an extraordinary life or would the gods choose what god he was a descendent of. Maybe Seb can just see through the mist.
I strapped Seb into his car seat he was still rear-facing since he was only two. That hard part of him being two was telling others about the secret but he knows not to tell. I drove down to the RR where I was going to pick up Jon and then to Ben's house to pick him up.
We drove down the road on Long Island that I have drove down so many times before.

We walked up the hill and I let Seb run down past the strawberry fields. Jon strapped the sword to his back and Ben slid his bow over his head.

When I got to the bottom I put Seb on my shoulder and went up to the big house porch. Chiron was sitting there along with two 20-year-olds, a teen with jet black hair and green eyes, and a girl with blonde hair and grey eyes. Oh it was Percy and Annabeth. I was ready to talk about Abby and see if I could protect her and take her home. "Lin, nice to see you"
"Hey Chiron. I brought Sebastian is that okay?"
"It's fine now let's talk about Abby"

Adopted by the Cast of Hamilton (fandom overload)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora