Chapter 22

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(A/n): I'm changing abby  and theirs age to 13

I opened all of my gifts everyone was so nice. I got a lot of Broadway shirts including: Hamilton, spring awakening, Heathers, and many more. I also got a lot of books and I'm seeing Dear Evan Hanson.

I brought all of my gifts to my room and put them of the shelf by my bed. I grabbed Ren and got dressed in normal clothes. I had a meeting with Tim at noon. I had no clue what it is about. Would if I was getting fired? Percy came to check on me. "Abby what's wrong?"
"Do you think I'm getting fired from BNTE?"
"Abby..." Percy comforted me and we talked about what would happen.

Time skip

Tim, Ren, and  I arrived at Starbucks. I was stopped by the manager as I walked in. "Excuse me ma'am but you can't have animals in here"
"Oh this is Ren he helps me with anxiety. The tasks he performs for me is he eases my panic attacks"
"I can see he has a vest on but there are no animals allowed in here"
"You are required to allow me in here with my service animal according to the law" I took out a card from my backpack that had the law on it and sat down at a table in the back. I ordered a a hot chocolate. "You handled that very well"
"Thanks" I said very blankly
"So Abby I was thinking since you are technically a senior in high school you are able to work all 8 shows. I was wondering if you maybe would want to be Libby for the shows that Theo is Nate. This way you can still stage manage at Hamilton"
"I would love that!!! Thank you so much!"

We talked about our normal things and left to go to the theatre. I signed in and walked up to my dressing room. I saw the blue walls and instantly smiled. I haven't used my powers in such a long time it felt. I saw my fountain and I tried to stop it. It didn't work. I tried to splash it. It didn't work. I shrugged it off. I can try later. "Abby are you in there?" Heather asked. "Yeah come on in"
"So I heard you are only playing in 5 shows a week?"
"Yeah I used to stage manage for Hamilton some nights and I miss it. I miss being with my family"
"I understand. Do you know who the replacement is?"
"I think it's Ruth"

Heather finished putting my mic in and I put on my opening number clothes. The jeans with a blue shirt and the lettermen jacket. This show  I felt was going to go well.

The show was perfect. I made no mistakes. And since it was the afternoon show and Theo was not doing the evening I got to stage manage!  Heather took out my mic and Ren sat in my lap as usual. Theo came in and hugged me for no reason. "Yes Theo?"
"I am officially a senior as well. I have been working so hard and I did it. I'm still doing 5 shows a week"
"I'm so happy for you!!!!!"
Heather left the room and I got all my stuff together. "Theo want to come to the theatre while I stage manage?"
"Why not?"

We walked to the theatre. Ren was in my arms. I kind of like Theo. I mean. He's cute. You can't think that. I push the thoughts to the back of my head and enter through the stage door. We go into the green room and I set Ren down Thayne is in there. "Wait don't you two have a show in an hour?"
"We are only on 5 shows a week" Theo answers

I get on my black pants and shirt and grab my headset. By the time I'm back down stairs with Theo (I put Ren in my room for the night) it is already half hour. "Heyyyyyyyyy queens!!!!! It's Abby and it's half-hour get in costumes. Leslie"

"Wait so you actually stage manage?" Theo asked me. "Yeah and I get to watch the show from the wings!"

Theo and I sat in the wings and I called 5 minutes. "It is 5 minutes until places get your asses to the prayer circle led by Chris daddy" I started walking to the prayer circle and Theo stopped me. "You aren't a part of the cast we are not supposed to be there" I didn't answer and dragged him to the circle anyway. "There you are Abs!" Lin said.

The circle ended and we walked back to the wings and got ready for the show. I sat down and got ready to announce the first entrance. "Leslie........ go" and the show started. Theo and I whispered and talked. During Yorktown is when we were able to whisper more. "Hey abby I have to tell you something"
"I like you.  A lot. Want to. Maybe. Gooutsometime"
"I'd  really like that"

Adopted by the Cast of Hamilton (fandom overload)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora