Chapter 13

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Abby's POV
One week later

I close my book as I finished it. It was 5,6,7, NATE! By. Tim Federle. I have recently been in contact with him. And we have gotten pretty close. He comes over every Wednesday to talk and we go to lunch. Speaking of witch he should be here in a half hour. I got up and put on a Tuck Everlasting t-shirt and some kaki shorts, the ones that Percy gave me on the first day of camp. I went out into the sitting room to find Percy and Annabeth sitting next to each other looking at a photo album.
"Hey guys"
"Hey Abby" they said together. Their eyes fixated in the album. I grabbed some coffee and sat next to them. "Whatcha looking at?"
"Oh Mom sent me this for my birthday yesterday" Annabeth said,"it has pictures from my whole childhood till now". She flipped to the front and it was a picture of a baby. After a while of flipping there was a picture of a young Percy and Annabeth. Probably around my age laughing. We finished looking at the pictures and someone knocked on the door.
"I got it" I said. I opened the door to see Tim.
"Bye guys! I'll see you later!" I put on my red converse and left. Tim took me to  Shmucery's cookies. We sat down at our usual spot in the back. Me with a chocolate chip cookie and Tim with the same. I could tell Tim was nervous. "Tim why are you so nervous?" As soon as I said that everyone in the store started  panicking and screaming. "ABBY RUN AND GO TO THE THEATER!" I looked around and saw a fury and pulled out my sword. "Wait what?" Tim was so confused. "We can talk about this later but first let's kill this thing!"

After about a half-hour of fighting I finally hit it and it turned into dust. Tim and I were walking back to the theatre. "Soooo Abby what cabin?"
"3. You?"
We walked in silence the rest of the way to the theatre. We were noticed by some people on the street. We walked through the Richard Rogers stage door and up to the door of the apartment. "Umm Tim just saying my roommates are Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase"
"That's fine"
We walked in and the first thing I said was, "ANNABETH! PERCY! STOP MAKING-OUT AND COME IN TO THE SITTING ROOM"
Tim giggled and Percy and Annabeth came out of the school room. "Hey Tim. And Abs we weren't making out we were watching videos of people falling"
"Sit down we need to talk" I said "while I was out with Tim a fury came after us and Tim knows"
"Well" Tim started "its not that big of a deal. I am a demigod too son of Athena"

Percy and Annabeth just said ok and left. I made milkshakes and Tim and I sat down in the library nook. "Well Abby what I was going to say is that I am making my Nate books into a musical"
"That's so cool!" I said cutting him off. "Well I want you to play Libby on Broadway"
"Yes!!!! I will do it!!!!!"
"Ok well rehearsals start next week.  I have to get going for a meeting I'll see you Monday okay?"
I said bye and ran into my room to find Percy with his shirt off kissing Annabeth. "Well not to interrupt but I AM GOING TO BE ON BROADWAY!!!"
"WAIT really?" Percy said.
"Yea Tim made his book a musical and I'm playing Libby!"


It was an  hour until places and I walked down to Lin's dressing room. "Hey Lin I have some news" I said "I am going to be on Broadway" Lin started to cry. "Oh I am so happy for you! What show?!"
"It's new its Tims book Better Nate than ever I am playing Libby"
"I am so proud!"

I went around and told everyone in the cast and suddenly I felt a head set being placed on my head. "We need a stage manager helps pls" the main stage manager Frank said. I ran upstairs and put on black leggings and a black t-shirt and put on shoes. I went back down stairs and got ready for the half hour call. "Hello everyone I am your call manager tonight it is 7:30 and your half hour. You should be getting into costume and warming up. Leslie this includes you" I heard a choir is of laughs through the theatre. I sat down at the coloring table in the green room and looked through the coloring books. I found one that was Hamilton related and started coloring a picture of Elia using some Copics. I finished my picture and I heard a snap from behind me and Oak had taken a picture of my drawing. I then looked at my watch and realized it was the ten minute call. I clicked on the button and said "this is your ten minute call. You should be in costume,*cough* Leslie and you should be working your way down to the stage"

I sat down on the couch with Groff until the five minute call. "Five minutes get your ass to the green room for the prayer circle led by Chris"
Chris came down and everyone gathered around. "Today we pray that Abby's first time managing goes smoothly and we hope that the show goes smoothly"
I clicked the button again on my pack and announced places. "Places everyone get to the stage"

Adopted by the Cast of Hamilton (fandom overload)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz