Chapter 17

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I woke up to Percy spraying water in my face. "Percy!" I screamed. He ran away and I was too lazy to chase after him. I got Ren down from the bed and had some cereal and sausage for breakfast. I got tea in a travel cup, got my clothes on, grabbed my rehearsal stuff, and put on Ren's leash.

Soon enough, I was on my way to rehearsal with Ren, Theo, and Tim. "So today there are going to be some more kids that are apart of the ensemble. There is Rose, Maia, Julia, Urie, and Erin. I think all of you will get along. Rose is understudying you, Abby" Tim said as we passed a Starbucks. I was nervous to meet the other girls. I don't know if they would like me or Ren. What if they didn't like Theo?

We arrived at the same rehearsal studio and I noticed only the children cast was called. We all sat down with our scrips in the same circle that was there yesterday. And we all introduced our selves as well. I started, "hi I'm Abby" next was Theo. And then was a girl with reddish curly hair and freckles who I learned was Rose. Next, was a girl who was Chinese with jet black hair her name was Maia. After her was a girl with brown hair and brown eyes and freckles scattering her nose she was Urie. Then a girl with blonde hair and blue/grey eyes that was Erin and you could tell she was a dancer. Lastly was a really pale girl with back hair and freckles coating her cheeks. They all really like Ren and I was really happy about that.

We walked through some of our scenes and finished by lunch. Percy picked Theo and i up and we decided to have lunch with the other girls. We went to my favorite pizza place that was a block away from the studio. We all sat down and talked about random things. Everyone was comfortable together even though there was a boy. We laughed about inappropriate jokes with Percy. It seemed like we had always been friends or siblings moreover.

Percy was able to fit us all in the car so he dropped all of us off at our apartments. We have already planned a sleepover for the weekend. 3 days from now!  Percy and I walked up the steps to the room tiredly. "So Abby are you making friends? Do I need to beat anyone up?" I giggled "Percy! I'm fine! I love my cast!"
"You better!" He said as he picked up Ren in his arms. We walked in to the room and I changed into some black clothes since it was my turn to stage manage. I walked down stairs to the management room and grabbed my headset that has recently been resized so that it fits me.

I sat in the green room for a while checking Twitter. Oak came in a picked me up. "So I see you aren't going to flip me this  time" he laughed. He started running up the stairs and I was screaming for help. Suddenly I remembered that I had on my head set. I pressed the button to speak. "SOMEONE SAVE ME FROM OAK WE ARE RUNNING UP THE STAIRS TO THE SECOND FLOOR! HELP" a choir of laughing went through back stage. He continued with  me on his back up the stairs and we were on the roof. I found a beautiful sunset greeting me. "Is this what you really brought me up here for?"
"Yeah" he said "isn't it beautiful"
Oak slowly took me back down stairs just in time for half hour. "Hey y'all is Abby your main stage manager this evening. It's half hour. Start getting into your costumes and warming up! Leslie. Costume. Now"

Soon enough it was 5 till. "LESLIE COSTUME!" He came out fully dressed next to me "GUYS HE IS READY!"  'Yay's and 'you did it's filled the hallway. "Places please have a great show!" I shouted over everyone.
The show was easy tonight I didn't have to call many entrances which was nice. Intermission was a breeze and the show ended without a hitch. Anthony came up to me. "Hey Abby the cast is going to Friday's for $3 cheese sticks want to come?"
"I mean I might as well"
"Great! Guys the smol beans coming!"

I got in Anthony's car and we started talking. "So Anthony we know you like Jazz it's obvious"
"Is it really?" He said laughing. "Yeah" j said we were quiet the rest of the way there.

We arrived and sat down in the back of the restaurant and Lin ordered for us. "Just a fuck ton of cheese sticks. Like 40 orders please"

The server brought out a giant platter of cheese socks and they were gone in 5 minutes. We each paid our money and someone covered mine for me. I got back to the theatre with Anthony. "Abs?"
"Yeah Ant?"
"Do you think Jaz likes me?"
"Yeah Ant totally"
"Do you think I should ask her out. I mean would she say yes?"
"Yeah sure"
"Ok thanks"

I got out of the car and went straight to bed.

A/n: hey I was wondering do you guys actually like this? What can I do to make it better?

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