48. Josh Dun; Babysitter (Who doesn't get payed enough)

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Ayyyyye thank you for over 4.6K comments and they keep on coming! I'm currently under going a plot for the sequel of this, as well as working on a Joshler one shot on the side as well, really making this all into a little series (and lets not forget about the prequel: Pete.)!!!

If you haven't checked out Pete yet, go and do it now! It's currently my favourite to write at the moment and I know how dedicated you all with your comments for Brendon. And I'd love it if you gave Pete. With the same love!!

Now, enjoy!

"Why does Pete get to sit in the cart?"Brendon is whining, trailing behind as Josh pushes the shopping trolley through the very very large clothing store, a store that caters from everything and for everyone, from hybrids to Littles to every day average joes like Dallon or Ryan. Brendon isn't that sure what Tyler is, he's pretty sure he's some type of estrange alien but that's just his imagination running wild, and on the whole, he still likes Tyler whatever it is that he is.

Wondering around the store is weird without Dallon running after him or holding onto his hand so that the little hybrid doesn't get lost, because believe me, Brendon is a wonderer and the least that Dallon wants is for him to land in the wrong hands. It's a good weird because it means he's found a loop hole in his punishment on not being allowed to buy things.

"Because I'm special."Pete declares, a proud little smile on their face as they sit in the section of the cart where the clothes and anything else will also be set. Velveteen noodle is sat in the little flap.

"No, you're just lazy."Brendon glares in a true Brendon fashion, dark kitten tail stuck proudly in the air and nose turned up as if making some type of point."And anyway, I'm the injured one! See!"

"You broke your arm, not your leg. You can still walk."Josh is very much use to an up and coming argument slash tantrum and he's not handling it on his own.

"Has anyone ever told you that you're very mean?"Brendon glares again, this time with his eyes squinted and dark ears plastered into his dark hair, in a way that's very defensive looking and makes him very cat like. It sometimes forgets to cross Josh's mind just how much of a kitten hybrid that Brendon is, he's so use to him being a little.

Josh has realised ( and he guesses, even quicker than everyone else because in a way he relates ) that Brendon switches on how he acts depending on how he feels. When Brendon is more sad, more happy, he's more little but when he's upset over something in an angry or jealous matter he lets his kitten side of him shine a lot more.

"Has anyone ever told you that you're very annoying?"


"Cus' you're a doggy, don't 'ou have'a wear a collar?"Pete tilts their head at Josh in question, peering up at the dog hybrid who pushes the trolley that they sit in. Pete is pretty glad that Josh let them sit in the trolley, Pete is extra tired and little today.

"I do wear a collar, it's just hidden."Josh tells Pete patiently, pulling down the neck of his hoodie to reveal the heavy looking brown leather collar, an item that Tyler physically has to force Josh to wear before they go out in public. It's not so bad when you're use to it but when you don't wear it in so long it's extremely heavy.


"Because I'm part dog and it's a rule."Unfortunately, a very very stupid rule if you ask Josh. It makes him feel so incredibly owned, even if he does count Tyler as his owner, the collar makes him feel more like a dog than a human, and he's equally both!

"Why do 'ou gotta wear a collar and I don't?"Brendon has joined in, head tilted to the side in curiosity, velvet soft kitten ears twitching in his hair as he looks at Joshua as if the puppy hybrid holds all the answers in the world.

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