Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

When I woke up, I felt pumped. And for once, I was up before Tobias was. I quietly hopped in the shower, trying not to wake him. By the time I got out, he was already dressed.

"Hurry up" he said, grinning. "You only have fifteen minutes before I crush you in basketball." I had to laugh at that. It was funny how he thought he was better than me.

I quickly put on my usual black apparel, and walked to the court with Tobias. The initiates were already there, waiting for us to show up. So was Will.

"First," Tobias said, speaking loudly so the initiates paid attention. "We will be picking teams. After, Will, our ref, will be going through the rules one last time. Then we play." Tobias looked at me and smiled. "I think I'll let the lady go first. Not that it'll matter." He finished smugly.

"Thank you Four." I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "You are being quite the gentleman today." Little did he know, I was going to kick his ass. I didn't even have to look at the initiates to know who I wanted. "Jessie!"

Tobias frowned. He has completely forgotten how good Jessie was. I think he was starting to regret his choice to let me go first. "Dylan!" he said.








"I guess that means Tesa is with me," Tobias said unhappily. Tesa scowled at his attitude towards her. But instead of making an angry retort, she managed to do the stupidest thing the pathetic slut could have ever done.

"Oh, cheer up Four! It's not that bad!" That's when she tried to kiss him. Before she could press her lips to his, Tobias pushed her face away.

I walked up behind her. Tobias saw me and smirked. "Now you've done it." He said. He was grinning from ear to ear.

I tapped Tesa's shoulder. She hadn't even completely turned around when my fist connected with her jaw, the blow, which had been quite hard, had knocked her flat on her ass. I leaned down and got right in her face. "Will you ever learn?" I asked angrily.

When I turned around, I heard her mutter, "What a bitch." My head snapped back around, my hand forming a fist at my side. Tobias intervened before I could do anything though.

"Save it for later." He whispered so only I could hear what he had just said. He didn't want to give away our plans. I glared at Tesa, and walked away. All the initiates were staring at me. That was the first time I had let my anger get the best of me in front of them.

"Get into your teams!" I ordered. Jessie, Mike, Amber, Jordan, and Ryan followed me to one side of the court. Dylan, Emily, Rachel, Kyle, and a reluctant, bruised Tesa followed Tobias to the other side. "Here's the plan," I whispered. "We're going to be on a man-to-man defense. Jessie on Kyle. Mike on Rachel. Amber on Tesa. Ryan on Emily. Jordan on Dylan. I'll take Four. If the person you're guarding isn't in, take the unguarded person."

"Why are you on Four?" Jordan asked. "He is way taller than you. Wouldn't I be a better match?"

"Defensively, maybe." I replied. "On offensive though, if he covers me, which he most likely will, I can get around him, since I'm smaller and quicker." Jordan nodded, not asking anymore questions. "You will, however, be jumping," I told him. "C'mon guys!" I exclaimed. "Get excited! It's not like you just got punched in the face!" my whole team laughed. We then broke the huddle. The initiates got into their positions while I walked over to the sidelines. Tobias and I weren't playing right away.

There was a board set up to keep score. Whoever wasn't playing would keep track of points. On one side it had Four, and on the other it side it had Six. There was a line separating them. I walked up to Tobias, who then softly patted my arm.

"Good luck," he said cheekily. "You're going to need it."

I pulled him down so he was at my eye level. I moved my lips so they were only inches away from his. He thought I was going to kiss him, but that wasn't my intention at all. "I'm going to make you regret ever uncovering that video." I told him. What I was going to do next would drive him crazy. Acting like I was going to close the gap between our lips, I moved forward. Right before our lips touched, I shifted my head and walked right past him.

I turned around and he was staring at me, his mouth hanging open. He had no idea what had just happened.

*Page Break*

Tobias' team got the ball first. Unfortunately, before my team could stop him, Dylan made a lay-up. Tobias grinned at me, and I returned his smile. He thought I was nervous, but I'm just good at pretending. That was just a lucky shot.

To ensure Tobias that I was "nervous", I called a time out. The other reason I called one was so I could tell the team to have Jessie take the ball down. After I told them that, they went back to the game.

Ryan passed the ball to Jessie, who took her time going down the court. Tesa stepped up to cover her, obviously wanting to regain some of her lost dignity. Jessie turned slightly, and started heading left, still taking her time. Anyone who was watching would've thought that she was going to walk straight into Tesa, and let her take the ball. Right at the last second though, Jessie crossed over and blew right past Tesa, scoring a basket in the process.

After that, my team was a scoring machine. Tobias was lucky in his team scored twice every couple minutes. Jessie fooled Tesa on the cross over every time. She was also raining three's. After a while, I went in for Amber when Tobias went in for Tesa. He looked determined to show me up. I just gave him a look that said, "You're on!"

Jessie passed me the ball. I waited for Tobias to come up real close, then I blew past him. Emily was in my way so I couldn't shoot. I looked around and saw a wide open Jordan, hanging around just inside the three point line. I passed it to him, and he made the shot. Will then gave us a one minute warning.

Tobias was bringing the ball up instead of Dylan thins time. I hung out by the three point line waiting for him. An idea then popped in my head. I signaled for Jessie to come and cover him. He looked a bit disappointed at that. While Jessie distracted him, I risked leaving my new player unguarded. There was hardly any time left and there was no way we could lose. I crept around to his back side. No one had seen me. I quick stole the ball from him and sprinted over to my basket and scored. That's when Will called the game.

My team got together, cheering out of control. Mike lifted Jessie up over his shoulder and ran circles around us. Those two looked really happy. I looked over at the board. It read 18 to 42. "Great job guys!" I exclaimed.

"What do we win?" Jordan asked.

"Bragging rights and Dauntless cake!" I shouted. My team cheered louder. I looked around and finally found who I was looking for. Tobias was standing a little ways behind me, a big scowl on his face. He scowled even harder when he saw that I was walking over to him. "Some game, huh!" I said innocently.

"Quiet," he growled. "You'll get some payback later." A playful smile started to hint at his lips.

"I'm sure I will," I said, giggling uncontrollably. I gave him a quick peck on the lips and went back to my extremely loud team.

Forever 10♥ {Book 1}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora