Chapter 10

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I finally caught up to them and was met with a heartbreaking sight. Haru was embracing a crying Mizutani-san, he then kissed her cheek. "Tell me, Haru, were my efforts for trying to earn your love wasted?" I asked, making them turn to look at me. Haru tried to reply, but I cut him off.

"If this were a story, I'd be the side character, just trying to separate the hero and heroine, isn't it?" I asked, this time, tears were rolling down from my cheeks, "I'm tired of being the side character.. hey, god, isn't it about time I earned myself my own love story too?" I looked up at the night sky that was suddenly raining, as if understanding my feelings. I was grateful, with the rain, no one'd notice my tears. Except for Haru.

"Aki, I-" he took a step closer.

I pushed him away, "Stop. Stop getting my hopes up, Haru. I always knew I never had a chance anyways. Hina, I've fought for my first love. I've tried, and I failed. I'm sorry... but did I impress you? My efforts weren't.. wasted... right?" I talked, as if Hina was right here beside me.

I grabbed Mizutani-san's hand and placed her bag in her palm, then took off.


I looked at my contact list, Asako. As much as I wanted to talk to Hina, I would be ashamed at my failure.

It was still raining, so I ran straight to Asako's house. I knocked and she immediately let me in, giving me a towel. Sou was also in there. "Aki!? What happened?" she noticed my tears and let me dry myself.

"I.. think I'm rejected," I collapsed on my knees, dropping the shopping bags until mine and Haru's props for tomorrow's Halloween festival at school scattered on the fur rug. I buried my face in Asako's neck and cried, she didn't mind, but only continued giving me comforting gestures.

Just when did my life turned this dramatic?


I came to school with Asako, since I spent the night at hers.

The following day, I wore my doll costume. Almost everyone who passed complimenting me. Haru's costume.. I brought it, and left it in the classroom beside my backpack. Hopefully he'd find it himself, since I'm not ready to face him right now..

"Aki!" Sou greeted me, "You alright?" I gave him a smile and nodded.

I appreciated his concern, and when he patted my head, a slight blush appeared on my cheeks.

We were walking around, trick or treating at the same time as eating the taiyaki a booth served. I liked the festive aura around the school. Even the strict teachers flashed smiles while giving students candy. It was childish, but our principal was childish at times, so it wasn't weird.

"Aki!" I heard a voice I didn't want to hear. I looked around, horrified at the sight of Haru running up to me, in his school uniform, since I had his costume.

I mouthed Sou a "Help.", and he nodded in understanding. He gave me a push as I went off sprinting to who knows where. I just kept running, as I heard Haru yelling behind me. God, it was difficult to run in a dress, and heels.

We were beginning to attract attention, and gossips were starting to be heard from around us.

"Aki! Wait!" I heard Haru yell from behind me. Tears were rolling down my cheeks again, destroying Asako's makeup.

"Why are you chasing after me?!" I yelled back, not stopping or slowing down, "I don't need your pity!!! A rejection's..," God, I would never have expected myself to say this, ".. a rejection, isn't it?!" 

Haru gulped as his adam's apple bobbed, then he shouted, "I never said I rejected you!"

I slowed down, until I came to a stop in front of my classroom with students walking in and out of, peeking heads out of the window to the corridor. "Eh?"

As Haru tackled me onto the ground, another crowd formed almost instantly. "Why.. what..," I was shocked about what was going on.

Haru looked up at me, face drenched with tears. "I like you too, Aki," he said, and nuzzled me. What?


"I-I thought..," I started, but he was the one to cut me off this time.

"Yesterday.. with Mizutani-san.. it was a last hug and peck on the cheek before we broke up," He said. I found myself slowly hugging him back.

"I like you, Aki! I like you, I like you," he repeated loudly for everyone to hear. I was flustered, he whispered in my ear, "I like you."

"A-As in..?"

"I want to spend my life with you, Aki!" he confirmed my confusion, "I want to have children with you! I want to introduce you to my family! I want to kiss you in a church! I want to build a family with you!" I was in a state where my face couldn't be anymore redder (God, I'm blushing as I'm writing this..), students started whispering.

"I.. I feel the same..," I said, as I shut my eyes and buried my face in his torso. The crowd began clapping, congratulating us. 

"So.. are you going to get into your costume or what?" I asked with a giggle. Haru looked up with a perverted grin.

"You look very cute today, by the way," he said, blushing. My face which was getting neutral, turned red again.

"Idiot! You're making me blush," I playfully punched his arm.

"Here! Congratulations, Aki-chan!" Chika nudged my arm, and handed me the bag containing Haru's costume. My eyes were wide.

"I moved on, don't worry, Aki-chan," she smiled, hugging an upperclassman. Hina smiled at me from the crowd, and I smiled back.

Sou gave me a pained smile, I smiled back and mouthed a "Thank you.". He nodded, still maintaining that smile, and looked at us as we stood up.

"She is now my girlfriend!" Haru announced loudly, that I blushed, "If I find anyone of you flirting with her, you're dead!" I gave him my unbelievable look at that last phrase.


Asako fixed my makeup within mere minutes.

While Haru was changing, Mizutani-san- no, Shizuku, approached me. "You win," she said with a painful smile.

"We were rivals, but since it's over.. can we be friends?" I asked. She nodded, giving me a congratulatory hug. She then went away when Haru exited the bathroom.

He spun around, giving me a full view of his costume. "Let's go trick or treating, Aki!" he said and dragged me everywhere.

Halloween was our anniversary.

For once, I was truly satisfied and happy.

"Not-Shizuku!" OC x Yoshida Haru [Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun]Where stories live. Discover now