Chapter 3

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"Thank you for doing this, Suzuki-san, I really appreciate it!" The following day, Kobayashi-san came back with a rewritten letter. I was surprised, that was fast.

".. Are you sure its readable now?" I questioned, not jokingly. She nodded quite violently, so I took her letter, "Alright."

Actually, it would've been easier if I just dumped it in Yoshida-san's locker, but it would've been mixed with many others (if there were other love letters). I'm pretty sure Kobayashi-san wanted Yoshida-san to read it himself and give her a reply, she did put her name in there. I could also give it to him at school, but it may cause rumors to erupt out of nowhere. I didn't want to be seen with him after the gossiping going on now, when Yoshida-san visited my classroom to keep me up to date about him and Mizutani-san. It looks like I have to meet Slender Man-san again, third time in the week, and I'm starting to get tired of seeing his face first every time I enter the game center.

I sighed in annoyance and plopped my head on the desk, it was homeroom and I didn't bother to listen. I only bothered to stay up for a few classes, excluding the math and different sciences. Although I stay up late on some nights when I don't have my shift to study (not that I understood anything). I put my arm on the desk and picked up my phone, looking through new messages under my desk. The teachers here in this school didn't have the infra-sight or hawk eyes like you usually see in anime or manga, they were quite old and their senses were not too good, so I'm lucky.

On recess, I found out my bento was left at home, so I ate some eggrolls Hina's mother prepared for her. It was still hot in her bento, Hina's mother makes the best eggrolls in the entire universe. The egg was so soft and fluffy! I thought about yesterday, so I asked Hina, "So what happened with you and that Kaimei student?"

She blushed, "We talked and ate together in a café, but nothing else. I guess we became friends..? I forgot to ask for his phone number though. Oh, and his name was.. Yamaguchi Kenji!"

"I think he came here yesterday to see Mizutani-san. She's so lucky with both Yamaguchi-san and Yoshida-san in love with her!" I saw her forced smile, and the darkened expression when she looked outside, where the boy I now know as Yamaguchi Kenji once stood. He made Hina heartbroken.

"Did you..," I made gestures, ".. confess?"

"I confessed at the end of the day, but he rejected me," she was almost crying. Hina was one of the fragile girls, you see, and she could cry at anything, even if she saw a dead fish, she'd cry. She was one of a million, those people who wouldn't hurt a fly. She was a prized girl, and she was rejected. He made her heartbroken. Did he not notice all of her good qualities?

I wanted details, but its better to ask the culprit, isn't it?

.. But that was for tomorrow, today, I'd fulfill Kobayashi-san's wishes.

I didn't have club activities today, as the supervisor for our art club is sick. You must've noticed, but I actually joined quite a number of clubs, due to my curiosity in always trying new things. I am in the judo club, basketball club and art club. I'd like to join the student council too if possible. Isn't it a prized rank, to be able to choose the activities for the festival? I liked being in the center of attention sometimes, and I also wanted power, but I assure you, I'm not one of the antagonists like Turles in Dragon Ball.

The school day was normal, but what excited me most was that today is a Friday. And tomorrow, I'd have to be a shut-in, playing games, watching anime, reading manga, but unfortunately, there is this magical thing (in the teachers' perspective) called homework. I also wanted to hear the details about Yamaguchi-san and Hina. I didn't want to pry, but I want my bestfriend's first love to be a success.

After school, I headed for the game center, where I once again met Slender Man-san. "Messenger-chan! Here again? I wouldn't be surprised if you had a crush on my niece, he's pretty popular and all," Slender Man-san greeted, and added, "only if he wasn't so violent and anti-social." I gave him a nod in greeting in which he complained as bad-mannered.

I walked up the stairs on my own, already familiar with this place, and knocked on Yoshida-san's door. He opened the door, revealing Mizutani-san who seemed to be staring at me, as if she was trying to figure me out. "I'm here to give you the rewritten letter, and that is all. Oh, and if you're gonna give her a reply, text her, here:," I gave him a scrap of Kobayashi-san's notebook where she wrote down her contact details, as I had requested.

"Please stop looking at me like that," I directed it to Mizutani-san, "I am not your rival in love (A/N: or not? *lenny face), I am only here as a messenger. And I will leave now." I gave them a wave, and bowed to Slender Man-san before I left. He gave me a thumbs up; better than the nod.

I returned home, made myself some instant ramen, and ate in silence as I stared at the dangling light on top of my dining table. The rest of the apartment was dark. I didn't have the best life, despite my popularity in school. I'm quite lonely, in fact. People greet me when I walk past, but that's it. Only once in a while would boys confess to me, only once in a while would someone like Hina become my true friend.

I shook my head, no, I'm not searching for love. I don't want to be like those girls in school who wanted a boyfriend, and dated boys because of that, not because they actually shared mutual feelings.

After washing up, I slipped under the warm sheets of my bed, I grasped for a nearby plushie, and when I felt the large teddy bear Hina won for me in the shooting gallery (she can be manly sometimes), I picked it up and hugged it to sleep. I'm not searching for love, I convinced myself.

"Not-Shizuku!" OC x Yoshida Haru [Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat