Chapter 5

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On Sunday, I spent my time doing homework until 12, still in my bunny onesie because I was too lazy to change or wash up. My peace was interrupted when the freaking bell rung. I stomped over to the door and opened it, revealing 3 people: Haru, Sou and Natsume-san. "We came over to hang out!" Haru said with a bright smile.

Okay, we are friends now, but isn't this too sudden. I looked at him with my unbelievable face, "You should've told me first!" I motioned to my bunny onesie.

"I don't have your contact details!" Haru replied, still cheerful.

"You could've asked Sou!" I countered.

"Besides, your onesie looks cute on you!" Natsume-san chirped in. I blushed a bit, then shook my head.

"I guess I have no choice, it'd rain soon," I looked at the darkened clouds gathering, "Come in." I plopped back on the fur rug, slipping my legs under the kotatsu. The rest joined in, taking over each side of the table. "So, where's Mizutani-san?" I asked.

"She's studying," Natsume-san answered. I nodded, and put on my reading glasses. I struggled with homework. I looked to my right and saw Natsume-san. I stared at her until she turned to me, "Do you need help with that, Aki-san?" I nodded, when did we get close enough to use first names?

"Then Haru can help you! He's pretty smart," I groaned and shook my head.

I went back to doing homework until I felt another foot kicking mine. It was fine at first, but when it continued for a longer time, it annoyed me. "Stop kicking!" I yelled, which startled everyone.

But Haru whined, "But it's so boring!"

"Patience! I'm doing homework!" I shut him up. I then sighed and got up, I walked into my average-sized kitchen and prepared them a tea kettle with cups. I put them on the table.

"Thank you," Natsume-san said and started pouring herself tea, sipping it quietly. The rest did the same.

Within ten minutes, I finished my math homework (the only homework left), of course, with skipped questions. "Finished! We can do something now!"

"So.. we can either play the Wii U, Nintendo Switch, PS4 or VR, I also have chess and monopoly," I said. Sou and Haru brightened and headed to the consoles. Natsume-san and I sat in silence.

"Want to play some chess?" I asked. She then nodded.

After a bit of complicated chess, I made a wrong move, and she won. "I won!" she jumped up and down happily. We then advanced to many rounds of intense Monopoly. With friends here, the apartment I once described as grey turned more colorful. There were different colors now, and different shades.

When I pulled the curtains to the side, it was already raining outside. It was around 6 a.m..

"I'll go prepare dinner," I said, getting up and trotting into the kitchen to make dinner for everyone. Natsume-san offered to help, but I dismissed it, since she was a guest, but since she was free, I allowed her to use my gaming computer in my bedroom. She seemed to like surfing the internet.

"Hey Aki, do you have an extra controller for your PS?" Sou popped inside the kitchen, "And do you have any chips or anything?" He sure did settle down nicely, but please be aware that this is not your house.

"Yeah, its in the shelf with a bunny plush on it. And there are some chips in the blue cabinet beside the shelf," he thanked me and left. I may not look it, but I'm not that kind of girl who bombs kitchens, I lived alone ever since I was 14, so I learned to take care of myself.

A few minutes later, I left the kitchen, trays of fish, rice and soup balanced on my two arms. I'm not called the best female sport player for nothing, my balance is top notch!

Natsume-san's eyes were twinkling when she saw food, she immediately dug in. "Let us finish this match!" Haru and Sou yelled from the living room. I rolled my eyes. I ate with Natsume-san, talking about different things. I listened to her rant about her life; how the girls hate her because she's too beautiful. I often add in short, little comments that don't really mean anything much.

"Stop calling me Natsume-san already, Asako is fine!" she pats my shoulder. I nodded, when we finished, we found the boys starting another match on my PS4.

"I guess we can feed the food to the stray animals outside, they are more important than the boys after all," I suggested, picking up the trays of food. This made them pause the game and scramble to the dining table to eat.

I might make a good mother. "Don't eat too fast, you're gonna choke," I added. After they ate, me and Asako did our roles. I washed the dishes, while she dried them with a cloth and arranged them back into the cabinets above the sink. Asako left on around seven thirty p.m. with an umbrella she prepared.

A man with looks similar to Haru appeared at the door after she left. "You must be Aki-chan!" he said.

"And you are?" I raised a brow.

"I'm Yoshida Yuuzan, Haru's brother, don't tell him I'm talking to you though," he said, scanning inside for Haru, but he was in another room, playing on my consoles with Sou. I invited him inside, since it was raining outside.

We talked for a bit, laughing at jokes, he told me quite a bit about Haru, but he said I should ask Haru about his past himself, if I wanted to know, that is. We became friends quickly, and he wasn't as scary as Haru is when he fought with others, so I was cool. "So.. let's get to the point," he said, starting to get serious, "Can you text me when Haru leaves the house? I need to talk to him." He gave me his contact information jotted down in a note.

"Alright," I took it from him and he thanked me before he left. I added his number to my phone and went up to call the boys to return home because it was late, but the boys were persistent to let them borrow the console.

"Nope, they are my life and you will not take them from me," I then pushed them outside, with my father's navy umbrella, "Return it to me tomorrow, dried!"

The apartment seemed lonely again without them, but they'd come around to play sometime soon, I'm pretty sure. I washed my hair and took my time thinking about life in my bathing tub.

I thought about a love life I never had, then the first thing that popped into my mind is Haru's cute smiling face. I felt my cheeks heat up, what? Why him? My cheeks were burning; they could boil water.

What is this feeling?

Screw you, Haru, for making me feel like I want something.. I shook my head, wanting something, but not actually needing it; that's being selfish!

I put on my other rabbit onesie (I've got a closet of them), and slept, of course, after thinking about the possibilities of what this feeling may be.

"Not-Shizuku!" OC x Yoshida Haru [Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun]Where stories live. Discover now