totalfuckingkaos I tripped while taking this picture @luna_luna_lovegood @slytherin.girl_twin @slytherin.boy @mionegranger @hpotter @ginny_w

slytherin.boy Who's in the picture?
totalfuckingkaos Possibly Luna, but it might've been some random girl
ginny_w How many other girls were there with you 😡😡😡
totalfuckingkaos Beats me


618 likestotalfuckingkaos I think Potter drove us around @luna_luna_lovegood @slytherin

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totalfuckingkaos I think Potter drove us around @luna_luna_lovegood @slytherin.girl_twin @slytherin.boy @mionegranger @hpotter @ginny_w

hpotter I think I crashed it
mionegranger WHAT?!


639 likestotalfuckingkaos Now this I don't know how to explain, plus I was pretty wasted @luna_luna_lovegood @slytherin

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totalfuckingkaos Now this I don't know how to explain, plus I was pretty wasted @luna_luna_lovegood @slytherin.girl_twin @slytherin.boy @mionegranger @hpotter @ginny_w

slytherin.boy What the hell
mionegranger My words exactly


645 likestotalfuckingkaos Ah, here it is, a picture of us swerving off the road, about to crash @luna_luna_lovegood @slytherin

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totalfuckingkaos Ah, here it is, a picture of us swerving off the road, about to crash @luna_luna_lovegood @slytherin.girl_twin @slytherin.boy @mionegranger @hpotter @ginny_w

mionegranger You guys could've been seriously hurt, and how did you not get arrested? Or go to the hospital?
totalfuckingkaos I honestly don't remember


662 likestotalfuckingkaos Me eating cotton candy, apparently @luna_luna_lovegood @slytherin

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totalfuckingkaos Me eating cotton candy, apparently @luna_luna_lovegood @slytherin.girl_twin @slytherin.boy @mionegranger @hpotter @ginny_w

mionegranger Where were you guys?
totalfuckingkaos That's another thing I don't know


659 likestotalfuckingkaos I don't remember what happened on the other side of that fence @luna_luna_lovegood @slytherin

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totalfuckingkaos I don't remember what happened on the other side of that fence @luna_luna_lovegood @slytherin.girl_twin @slytherin.boy @mionegranger @hpotter @hinny_w

luna_luna_lovegood I sliced part of my wrist on the wire
mionegranger Oh, ouch.


672 likestotalfuckingkaos This concludes the photos I have

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totalfuckingkaos This concludes the photos I have. We all woke up at this house, and I found Potter and some random person next to him @luna_luna_lovegood @slytherin.girl_twin @slytherin.boy @mionegranger @hpotter @ginny_w

mionegranger Is this why you guys were missing for half of the day?
slytherin.girl_twin That would be correct. It's funny, it's like we had no reason to show any of this since no one was actually suspicious, and never talked about being suspicious in here, besides Draco who apparently needed to know all of this

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