Chapter Two

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It took about fifteen minutes to find a spot in a tree midway into the battlefield and set up. I was terrified. Snipers usually never survive school battles. Shut up. You'll be fine. You're gonna be one of lucky few to come back. I thought to myself. So after about a half an hour of waiting I heard the drums of Jaunty High approaching. Not a minute later came the thunderous sounds of my very own Montusko High returning the call of war.

School vs school battles, especially against the rival schools, were not taken lightly. All the clans gathered their best equipment for a battle like this. Within minutes of both school approaching the field blood was spilled. Something like this would last at least a couple hours. The usual death count was roughly twenty kids per school. The injured or MIA (missing in action) however, that was a different story. There were usually about fifty of those per side.

It had been maybe two hours when I had spotted them. Two Jaunty kids, an older boy and a girl, sneaking towards our side of the field. The boy looked to be about three years older than me and the girl was less than a year younger than I. As they came closer I started to see more details about them and their uniforms. They had hats with their emblems on the front. Black background with a gold sword. I couldn't tell what the specific design on each emblem was but I took a guess, assuming that the schools had a similar way of sorting, that they belonged somewhere.

I hate you guys. Y'all can go freaking kill yourselves for all I care. I thought. I shuttered. I never thought like that. Jealousy, something I never expressed. I blocked those thoughts, I had to focus. I pulled out the rifle and aimed. This was my job, to not allow anyone pass our borders, but I couldn't pull the trigger. The girl looked familiar. Like I had known her before the war. But I couldn't put my finger on it. All I could do was stare.

Suddenly I heard a shot ring out and the boy dropped. He had been shot in the his side. Blood was everywhere. The girl was just stunned. I don't know why it did it but I jumped on the girl and muffled her mouth. There was no way I was gonna let her get shot. I took out a sleeping dart and put it into her arm. As she slowly passed out I finally let her go and went to the boy. He had lost a lot of blood. I took out my med kit and checked his vitals. Nothing. The boy was gone, I couldn't save him. But I could still save the girl. I gathered my gear, checked my surroundings and then picked up the girl.

Now I could see her emblem more clearly. It had a soccer ball on it with a "C". I immediately remembered her. She had been Jaunty's freshman soccer captain. I had been Montusko's captain. I remembered that she was beautiful and I didn't want her to get hurt during the game. We had won that game. As we ended the game she came up behind me to tell me good game by choice. I gave out my hand to shake but rather than shake my hand, she hugged me. It was only a quick hug but it still caught me off guard. Then she gave me a smile that I'd never forget. I thought about her for awhile after that. That was until the war started.

With that last thought I came back to the present. I had arrived back at base. With no one around I was able to take the unconscious girl in my arms back to my tent without any questions. I laid her on the bed and I closed the curtains around my area. I was so tired that I decided to lay on the ground. Without any worries of the girl waking up since the sleeping dart lasted several hours, and the sound of the horns that the war had ended, I fell asleep on the floor next to the girl.

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