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Namjoon's p.o.v

I got ready, my make up was on and everything was awesome. We were a little sad for our armys but after the concert there was a fan meeting which cheered up us and the armys, gladly.
I got a lot of presents, Jin and the others too.I and Jin played a little when the fans started yelling they want fan service. I decided that we shall do a fake kiss.. I don't know why . I did it spontaneously just like when I said I want to go on a trip with him. I put my finger on his lips and I don't know why, but my heart started to beat faster. I got closer and then it hit me. Like I wasn't me. I wanted to kiss him, so I just moved my finger and did it. The moment we kissed my heart beat faster and faster. He sucked on my lip, and I sucked on his then he bit me and I wanted to do it too, but he pulled away. I was in a trance. Then he just rushed out ...that was the moment when I woke up. "Oh my god...what have I done?!"
I couldn't leave the fans so I just stayed there with the screaming crowd.
After that all of us called and messaged him, but there wasn't an answer. I got the keys from my car and went to search for him! Before I got in the car someone grabbed my arm strongly.
-Just do not. He needs to rest, please.
-Do you know where he is? Please, tell me! If something happens to him...It's all my fault.
I was almost crying.
-I don't know, but he'll be fine. I promise.
-So you know something! What's between you and him? There definitely is something!
He froze and his face expression changed.
-So what if there is? You jealous?
I couldn't say anything.
-Just leave him alone.-he said as he walked away.
-I won't! Is is my fault and I will do whatever it takes!
I got in the car and searched for him everywhere I could think of. I called him several times and messaged him,but there was no answer. I got at my hotel room around 3 am and couldn't sleep at all.

-Namjoon-ah... Ah... I love you Namjoon. I love you!
I hugged him and put my member all in. He moaned and cried.
-Do you want me to stop?
-No, please no! Don't stop!
-I cannot hold myself back anymore hyung. I want you so bad! I love you too! I love your lips, your skin, your eyes, your breath, your voice, your everything! Let me love you forever!
I grabbed his ass with one hand and head with the other as I pushed in and out harder. I found his soft spot and started slamming harder as his voice echoed trough the room and my ears. It was such a turn on.
-Namjoon... Touch me. I beg you!
-You want me to touch you?-I teased him.
-Y-Yes! Please! I want to cum!
I held his member in my hands and started stroking it. Then he came all over his abdomen and with this sight I came deep inside of him!
-Hyung...I love you- I said as my lips touched his and we shared a deep kiss.

I woke up heavy breathing.
I looked under the sheets and ...Oh my god I came while I was asleep.
I got in the shower to clean myself up.
"What was that dream about?"
"What's happening with me?"

I saw Jin at the airport. I was so happy and still I couldn't look him in the eyes. Every time I looked at him I remembered that weird dream.
J-Hope helped him get on the plane and sent me a cold gaze.
He just sat away a from us..
After an hour or so I went to see him. I got all my courage to do it and there he was... Sleeping beautifully. Then he started to whine and cry.
His lips were so soft... Then again something got into me ... I got closer... And a second before I kisses him he opened his eyes. I was startled but couldn't show him this so I just said

-Hyung? You awake? Are you alright?
-*sniff* Yeah...*sniff* I just had a nightmare. That worst nightmare in my life.
I was shaking.
-You were crying and apologizing in your dream. Is everything okay?
He just kept sobbing so I felt the need to hug him. I felt his heat and my head went blank. I remembered the dream.
-I am sorry know.. The kiss and everything.
My heart started shaking.
-What are you talking about? Is that why you ran away?
-Kinda yeah...
My heart beat faster and faster. All I could think about was the fucking dream and the sweet aftertaste of his lips but I tried to stay calm.
-Hyung...I sure was startled but don't overthink it!It was only fan service.
He wasn't crying anymore. His head was in my hands I felt the need to kiss him so bad and to fuck him hard just like in that dream. I woke myself up. "I should leave . NOW."
-Just rest for now. And don't be depressed over something little like this. It was only a kiss. aren't so bad yourself. It's not like you like me or anything... Then that WOULD be a big problem kekeke. It was only natural of you to kiss me when I was this close.
I started making excuses and was talking nonsense.. So I just shut up and left.
My heart was beating faster. "What is happening with me?!"
... When we got off the plane Jin was nowhere to be found. I wanted to apologize... But..I don't know what exactly for so I just left him a message and left to my office.

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