Before the beginning pt.2

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Namjoon's p.o.v
I checked the script three times. Everyone one is ready.
Should I check it again?
I saw Jin and Hoseok laughing at something..
"What is so funny ? At least I am happy that they are not nervous."

"Anneyonghasaeyo We are BTS"
The interview is going well..everything is perfect.
MC: So what are your plans after the tour ends?
RM: We want to spend time with our families, some of us need a little time for themselves.
MC: So...what do the others think? You Jimin-ssi ?
JM: I want to go on a vacation, you know rest a little?
MC: you say..alone? There are some rumors about the band you know?
Fuck.That's not part of the script. I gotta improvise.
RM: Rumors?
MC: Yeah, like you know..that Yoongi-ssi and Jimin-ssi have girlfriends and Jin-ssi too.Ain't that true?
I gotta keep calm and deal with this.
RM: Kekeke... My answer is a 'No'. We all are single.
MC: Are you sure?Jin-ssi looks nervous.. Do you have anything to say to us Jin-ssi?
I don't know why, by the thought about Jin and a girl made me angry. I saw that a cat cut his tongue, so I took a deep breath and calmed down.
I must help. What should I do...
RM: I already told you there isn't, at least I don't know of any. Kekeke
MC:Kekeke...Make sure to tell us when you find something out ;)
RM:I promise!
MC: So about the rest of the tour ....
That was easy. Cool. But the thought why he couldn't say anything kept me thinking.
After the interview was over I saw Jin walking out first so I yelled his name. I wanted to ask him why he couldn't answer such a simple question.
Two guys from the staff got in my way, and he rushed out.
Fuck.I missed him!
-Namjoon-ssi you were awesome!-said the first one..I think his name was WooBin .
-Thank you-I said.
-Yeah even the part that wasn't in the script... You handled it so well out there...
-Yeah..thanks. About that I wanna talk with the manager. I hope it won't happen again. The whole band's image depends on this. Do you know how many hardships we will face because of this? The paparazzi will follow us everywhere!
After a long talk with them and the manager I got my stuff and sat in my car. I put my hands on the wheel and buried my face in them. I was so tired and still..all I could think about was that I couldn't talk with Jin and how fast he got out.
I started the car and wandered around for awhile to get things off my mind.
After 2 hours I was at my hotel room. Me and Jin were in the same S hotel so I got two rooms from mine and knocked 3 times. That was our signal.
No answer.
I knocked again. And again. And a second before I gave up the door opened.
There he was in a bathrobe with wet hair.
-Can I come in
-Of course.
He looked sleepy.
-Did I wake you up?-I said as I sat down on the bed.
-Erm...yeah...I took a shower and I fell asleep...
I wanted to say something but I couldn't.
-Look...about today...I am sorry I couldn't answer-he said as he opened his wardrobe to look for some underwear.
-Yeah...I wanted to talk about it. Hyung... Is everything alright? I mean..why couldn't you?
-Yeah...I just didn't feel well problem. I am sorry if I got us into problems.
-No..I mean..-I couldn't take the words out of my mouth.-Never mind.-I said as I got up.
If everything is alright with you it is fine with me.
Suddenly I felt the need to touch him so I patted his shoulder.
Take care of yourself more.-I said and walked out of the room.

I couldn't sleep this night.

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