Confession to myself

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Namjoon's p.o.v

-You...are really dumb huh?!
-Have you ever asked yourself why you care so much? Why are you so jealous? Why you have these dreams?
-What are you talking about?
His face was back to normal and a smile popped up.
-Namjoon-ah ... I know. I sent Yoongi to talk with you. I know everything.
-You...what are you trying to say?
-I am not trying... I will say it.
You love him. You love Jin.
-How can you say it so casually?! That's not true!
-Really? Why did you get so jealous when you saw us together?
-I-I didn't!
That was not good. He cornered me and I couldn't escape.
-Oh...then why did you jump to the conclusion that there is something between me and Jin and you "will not try to get him"? What does "try to get him" mean?

I was finally seeing.

-Yup...just as I thought. You couldn't answer.
Then tell me why did you kiss him?
-Why did you hug him?
I couldn't answer not because I didn't know what to say but because that was the moment when I realised it. I love him.I love Seokjin.
My head was full with thoughts.
I love him.I love him.I love him.
-Do you still not know? Then tell will you feel if I told you there is someone trying to get to him? He may even be with that person now. How do you feel?

Angry! Jealous! Sad! In love. I could do anything to get him back and I don't even care about the gender, other people or anything else. The only thing that mattered is that I loved him and was not gonna let go. Then it hit me.

-I..It was all an act. - I looked him in the eyes.-It was all an act! You never have had feelings for him! It was an act to make me jealous!

A big smile popped up on his face.

-So you've got your answer figured, don't ya.-he said as he patted my shoulder.

-I..Yes. I do. I love him. I really do love him!
-My job here is done then.-he said as he drank one more glass of soju.
-I .. Can't confess. He hates me now, what if...
-Oh..there we go again with the insecurities.
Look, I am his best friend for years now..and the only thing I'll tell you is that he will not reject you. But you should hear the rest from him.
-Where is he now?
-I don't know. Probably in Anyang with his family...
-Thank you very much-I said as I rushed out.

I must find him! I must!

J-Hope's p.o.v

I watched him rushing out of the restaurant. I called Yoongi.
-Is everything alright?
-Where are you? Do you want to come to M restaurant?
-Did he invite you ?
-He just rushed out to Anyang.
-I'll be there in half an hour.
I hung up and smiled.'s your turn now.

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