Safe to say, huh? All eyes were on me, and they were all sparkling, waiting for my answer. I looked elsewhere before answering, "... yes."

Then, Wonwoo and Seung-ah high-fived each other. Vernon slammed the table and was grinning widely. Mingyu, on the other hand, looked very out of place. I hid my face with my hands, totally shy I admitted it. If this was like any other day, we might've looked like every other group in the cafeteria. But this isn't a (normal) normal day.

"Okay, guys, let's go back to talking about Soonyoung!", I said before this expands to something I'll feel really embarrassed about. 

"Like how he satisfied you?", Seung-ah said.

"Or exactly what you did that night?", Wonwoo said.

I felt my face burning. "Haha, today's not the day to tell you that story, sadly.", I said in a sarcastic tone.

"Aww~" The two of them frowned. "But we want to know~", Wonwoo said in an aegyo-like way. The  cringe...

"Ew, don't do that.", Seung-ah told him, showing him a disgusted face.

Wonwoo shrugged. "But I really want to know..."

Seung-ah nodded. "So do I. So, Miyoung, how hot was that night with Soonyoung?" She winked at me.

I sighed. "So you and Soonyoung-sunbae really did it? Heol...", Yerim's unwanted presence came into the picture. 

"Um, Yerim, I'm pretty sure you're the least welcomed person in this table. Please move along, together with your friends.", said Seung-ah, shooing them away.

"Sorry, I just overheard the conversation. I wanted to listen to."

Wonwoo sighed. "Yah, aren't you just sticking your nose into somebody else's business, then?", he told Yerim.

"I believe I'm just acquiring information." And, I believe her head's so thick, I can feel it from my seat.

He then scratched the back of his head. "Are you being serious with me now?"

"Well, of course I am, sunbae. Why shouldn't I?"

"Yerim, I'm pretty sure you're smart enough to know the difference of what you said from what Wonwoo said.", Seung-ah said.

"So you think I'm stupid now?"

"Why, yes. In fact, I really do."

Yerim faked a gasp. "You're so mean to me, Seung-ah."

"You just noticed now? Wow, you're really stupid."

"Why you--"

Just as she was about to hit her, Mingyu spoke, "Yerim, just go away." Yerim stuttered before just walking away.

"God, my blood boils everytime." Seung-ah shook her head at her thoughts. "Only the power of Mingyu can keep that girl away."

"Okay, back to what we were talking about in the first place.", Mingyu said, looking at me.

"Oh, um, yeah... Sonyoung's disappearance.", I said.

"Okay, so why do you think he disappeared?", Seung-ah said, going into topic.

"I can bet that he thinks distance would solve this.", Vernon said.

"Yeah, exactly. He must be thinking it's best for the two of us.", I said, sighing.

Wonwoo shook his head. "Soonyoung, that idiot." 

And just like that, the school bell rang. Time to go back to class. "So, we'll close it as that for today.", Wonwoo concluded.

I went home tired as usual. I threw my bag on my bed and headed downstairs for food. The house felt so empty without him. I got a phone call just as I closed the refrigerator door. It was mom.

"Mom?", I said. 

"Miyoung?", she spoke on the other line. "Okay, dear, I want you to go to the police despite what your father said. It's been ten days, for god's sake."

"Do I have to bring anything with me?", I asked. I took a bite of the apple I had in my hand.

"Hmm, I'm not sure."

"Okay, mom. I'll just see when I'm there already."

"Okay. I'm just really worried."

"I think we all are."

"Of course. Well, that's it. Don't tell your father I told you this."

"Yes, mom."

"Okay, bye. I love you."

"Bye. Love you too, mom."

Before leaving, I took my wallet just in case I'll need it. I haven't finished the apple so I brought it with me. When I opened the door, I regretfully dropped my snack on the floor. I felt like I'd seen a ghost.

"Well, hello.", he greeted, smiling at me. I slammed the door on his face.

A/N: Double update for today~~ uwu

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