
Mavis nodded and looked towards the other members.

"Allright next we have the team that would find information about this dark guild... Team Crime Sorciere I assign you in this position..."

Team Crime Sorciere which is composed of Richard, Macbeth, Sawyer, Erik, Meredy and Jellal.

"Before you could object Erik and Jellal... I know the two of you need to take care of your wives and child but your team really specializing at dark guilds so this job is perfect for all of you"

Mavis said and while Jellal and Erik seems still uncertain about the job their wives assured them that everything will be fine.

"Don't worry Jellal your I'm gonna be fine. Besides Jeremy is here to help me"

"Just like Erza, you don't have to worry for me Erik, Mira is here and she'll help me, kina"

Erik and Jellal just sighed and accepted the job Mavis gave them.

"Then for team C which will consist of Cana, Levy, Laki, Jet, Droy and the three exceeds. You will get information about the ritual for waking up Neptune"

Team C nodded at their first master and Mavis finally looked at the other members.

"Finally team D will consist of Mira, Lissana and Elfman. The three of you will look after Nashi and Storm while the games is still on going and if something happened contact me or Zeref immediately"

The strauss siblings nodded and then Zeref started talking.

"Anyway Mavis and I won't be able to watch the games because we would track down where is the hideout of dark phantom and where are Nashi and Storm's moms... So I expect all of you to be on full alert because we won't be there to help you"

The whole guild nodded and was about to go back to what they were doing when the doors from Mavis' room opened and revealed the kids.

Just then Nashi and Storm walked towards Mira with an embarassed face.

"A-ano.... W-we um.... We just.... Could we um...."

Nashi is trying to say something with an embarassed face but was interrupted by her and Storm's growling stomachs.

Nashi and Storm both became red-faced and the girls in the guild giggled at their cuteness while the boys chuckled.

"Sweetie you could have just told me the two of you hungry. Tell you what the kids are just gonna have their dinner and I am sure they wouldn't mind if the two of you tag along"

Nashi and Storm looked at each other then at Mira and gave her their brightest grins and the two nodded.

Mira giggled and went to the kitchen to prepare the foods. Then the children of the guild went towards one table and began talking with each other.

"Don't worry Nash-chan and Storm I am sure dad and the others would be able to find your moms"

Gale said with kind smile and the others also gave the two encouraging words.

"Gale is right you should never ever lose hope"

"Jeremy and Gale is right! This is fairy tail and we never turn our backs to our nakama!"

Lexi shouted which made Nashi and Storm surprised.


Storm asked with comfused face. Cassandra looked towards him and grinned.

"That's right nakama! The two of you are now the newest member of our family! And we would do everything to help a family member in need!"

Nashi and Storm smiled with tears forming on their eyes and they thought the same thing.

'We will save you mom...'


Master X Pov:

"Gin and Vodka the both of you and your team will monitor the kids that would probably be in stadium of the GMG. Report to me immediately on who are the ones looking after the kids before, during and after the games"

They nodded and then left. I looked towards the others.

"Cat, Bug, you and your team will patrol around fairy tail's inn. Give me the time when they usually sleep and give me the names if the fairies that are staying in their inn all day"

They both nodded and took off. Then I looked at the remaining two teams.

"Red and Yellow you and your team are the ones in charge of preparing all the things needed for the ritual and I expect that by next week it will be finished"

They answered with a simple yes and left then finally I looked towards the last team.

"Ruby and Sapphire your team will be the one to watch over the two prisoners if they escaped or if the fairies succeeded in rescuing them all of you will wish yoy were never born... Are we clear!?"


I nodded and then I looked at the little dungeon behind me and saw the two girlies glaring at me.

Hmph... They could glare all day and I won't care as if they could kill me with a glare.

I smirked and walked towards my room and marked my calendar.

6 days left before the ritual...


Hello guys!!! Anyway a new update!!! Thank you for still reading this even though the updates are quite slow... Oh and if you guys want to ask something about this story just ask ^__^

Oh and one question does anyone of you watch noragami? If you do well you would probably probably understand that Yato is so cool and he is my crush!!! The fact that he and Levi had the same voice actor is just an added bonus!!! But I am a die hard Yatori shipper!!! Anyway I am still waiting for the season three and I just couldn't find the time reading the manga so yeah... Bye guys!!! See you again at the next update!!!

Guys I also wanted to say that Storm would talk in third person when he is distracted, nervous, lying and embarrassed.

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