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       "What the fuck Jonah!" I yell at him. I can't believe he would say those things and actually drive her out of the house that she hasn't even stayed in for two days.

        "We need to find her before something bad happens." Daniel speaks. He pushes away his chair and walks out of the room with Zach trailing behind him.

        They were heading towards the front door with their keys and phone in hand. Corbyn stands up and looks at the time displayed on his phone screen.

       "Shit it's already midnight, you better hope she doesn't get hurt." Corbyn spat at Jonah. Corbyn soon exits the room trailing behind Daniel and Zach out the door.

       I glare at Jonah one last time who's frozen in his place before exiting the room. I pace up to my room and grabbed my phone off of its charger. I just happen to look over to the other end of the bed and I notice her phone and inhaler is sitting on the nightstand.


       I rush over to her side of the bed and grab both of the items in one hand as the other grabs a jacket. It's fucking freezing out side and she's in nothing but a thin shirt and PJ shorts. Fucking Jonah better hopes shes alright. I rush out of my bedroom and out the door but not before I stole a glance at Jonah who's pacing back and forth with his hand running through his hair.


      What did I just do? Fuck Jonah! you always have to be the one to fuck things up! It's always you! I pace around the kitchen with my hand running through my hair. She ran out the door and into the dark, she told us she's afraid of being alone in the dark and now look at her! it's all because of you!

       I ran down the hall and into my room. I grab what ever I could and I threw it against the wall, the noise of things shattering or breaking filled the room.
        "You're such a fuck-up, Jonah!" I yell out loud knowing no one would hear me. I rush into the bathroom and just stare at my self in the mirror. You're a monster a fucking monster.


      I'm fucking freezing and the fact that I'm balling my eyes out isn't helping me. I could feel my chest starting to tighten and it suddenly became hard to breathe. Fuck fuck fuck! I try to take deep breathes to calm me down but it isn't working, I'm going to die alone out here great!

       I then hear a car coming down the rocky road and headlights soon appear. I shrink further into the bushes not knowing what to do. The car goes around the loop slowly almost like it's looking for something and the headlights suddenly stop on me. I fucking hate this, i'm scared to death. what if it's a killer coming to murder me? Or a rapist? The thought of everything makes me cry harder and my chest tighten even more until I hear a faint voice calling my name. I burry my head into my knees and I hear the door opening then closing, soon enough there was the sound of feet crunching on the gravel coming towards me but stops just a few feet away from me.


       Jack? Jack! oh my god I was never so happy to see someone in my life! Jack laughs at my sudden face change but then reality hits me and I claw at my throat. I can't breathe. Jack notices this and he frantically pats his pocket and pulls out my inhaler. He places the plastic on my lips and pumps the pump until I can breathe again.

       "Thank you." I say weakly while trying to catch my breath. Jack gives me a warm smile and brings his hand up to my face and softly wipes away the tears that fell down my checks.

       "Thank you. Thank you so much, Jack." I cry. He sends me a warm smile and reaches out to touch my arm but he jerks it away as soon as his hand made contact.

       "Holy shit you're freezing."


        I take off my jacket and I place it around her shoulders. I'm so happy I found her before someone else did. Who knows what could've happened.
I place my hands underneath her back and her legs and I pick her up, being careful not to be rough with her as I walk to the warm running car, placing her in the passenger seat. I pull out my phone and I send a text to the boys saying I found her and they can head home now. I get replies almost instantly saying things like "thank god" and "I was getting worried"

        I get in on the driver's side and I look down at my hands and notice blood on them. I instantly looked over and Dakota and scanned my eyes over her body looking for any scrapes when I noticed the palm of her hands and her knees were bleeding.

        "Dakota you're bleeding." I tell her gesturing to her knees and hands. She looks down and laughs.

       "I know."

       We arrived at the house and I pull into the garage and noticed all the cars are there.

       "The guys are back." I smile. She smiles and opens the door to get out.


       We walk through the front door and all the guys rush into the room.

        "Dakota! thank god you're safe!" Corbyn chimed. He goes in for a hug then soon gets pulled back by Zach.

       "Save some oxygen for me!" Zach laughs. Everyone chuckled and he pulls me in for a hug.

       "Please don't ever do that again. You scared me half to death. I know we just met literally two days ago but it feels like we knew each other for so much longer. Welcome to the family Dakota." Daniel whispered into my ear. A huge grin creeped onto my face as we pulled out of the hug. Welcome to the family? We just met and now the boys are inviting me into their family? I can't believe how fast it's being accepted. Little by little this place is starting to feel a lot more like home.

       "Dakota, can I talk to you?" Jonah quietly begs from the dark corner of the hallway. I sigh and walked towards him. He can't say anything else that can hurt me more then he all ready had.

      "Look, I'm really sorry about what I said earlier. I took things to far and I just said whatever came to my mind without even thinking how it would affect other people. Nothing I said was true and I truly didn't mean it. When you ran out of the house I was so pissed off at myself, I didn't know what to do. All I could think about was the words that came out of my mouth. I know I suck at apologies but I hope we can forget tonight and move on, yeah?"

       "Jonah you can't expect me to suddenly move on from everything that happened. What you said truly hurt me and I thought everything was true about myself. You lead me to believe everything. Jonah, I know that you're a dick and can say some pretty mean things but you went above and beyond and made fun of my family. I would never bring your family into this shit. Maybe next time you should think before you speak and actually think about other people besides your self and maybe, just maybe someone will be able to stand to be around you." And with that, I left him in the dark hallway and I crawled into bed where Jack instantly grabbed my waist and pulled me close to his bare chest.

       If Jonah wants to play with fire, I'll bring the storm.

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