Part Two Of 19

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I watch Ariel closely. She fidget a lot with her leg nonstop.Every two minutes she'll check her phone like she was waiting for someone to text back. I was know getting curious on who this person may be. The bell rung loudly. She quickly got up and jolted out the door, I did the same following every move she made. She came to a stop at her locker. She didn't bother opening, she just leaned against watching everyone pass through. She looked nervous and tired all at once. Even though this hoe likes my man, I'm still going to be nice to her. I walk to her and sat beside her giving zero fucks on how she felt towards me.
"What are you doing?" She ask me.
"Comforting you silently. Just know I don't like you."
I said not evening bother looking at her face.
"Jonathan is mad at me." She blurt out.
"For what?"
"Because I told him that I feel in love with someone ."She said tucking her head in her lap.
"You sure ass hell don't love Lucky." I bashed her with a serious face.
"Of course not! He's yours, I would never!" She said putting on a act.
"Bitch I threatened you, don't make me show you what's up because I don't got a problem fucking you up" I threaten her again. Her face became terrified
"I understand. His name is Daniel, I met him at a food court. Every since then, we've been close. I told Jonathan that I love him and now he won't talk to me, I don't know why." She explained starring at the tile floor.
"Jonathan likes you honey, that's why he's mad at you." I said pointing the obvious. Her dumb ass didn't even know it.
"I didn't know he liked me, I'm so dumb." She said torturing herself.
"You need to talk to him. All this texting shit won't work, face to face will work." I tried helping her.
"Maybe your right."
"I know I'm right." I said being cocky. She got up, so did I.
"Thanks for the advice, even though you hate me." She thanked me.
"Oh! Honey, I don't hate you! It's just that you're a little slut towards my man and I just don't like that shit." I explained to her with a fake smile. At that, she walked away quickly without a good bye.
"That's what I thought." I said watching her disappear in the hallway. I grabbed my bag and walked to the door. As I was daydreaming Lucky, I felt a heavy weight tackle me from behind. I immediately elbowed the person. I look back to see who tackled me and it was that blonde chick from earlier.
"What hell?" I ask her helping her from the floor.
"Sorry about that, that wasn't my intention." She apologized dusting herself off.
"Uh no it's fine. I didn't mean to elbow you like that, my reflex kicked in." I explained to her. This girl is a real beauty to her golden hair, to her skinny body.
"You look so familiar, you sure I don't know you from somewhere?" I asked her, still staring her down.
"Unfortunately, yes. I'm the girl who was a waitress at IHOP. "'She said.
"The one who staring down my man? Hmm, I remember you alright." I said giving her a stank face. Her face became red al of sudden.
"You have a nice day, blondie." I said to her before walking off like a bad ass.
"These bitches think they can get to me, they thought." I said to myself.

Part 3 coming soon!!!!! 😊❤️🌈

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