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I know I just met her yesterday but I couldn't stop thinking about her. The way she talks, the way so dresses. Everything about her makes me want her even more. I know she was shock when I told her I love her. Yesterday after school when we asked her for a ride, I wonder why she declined it. Maybe she doesn't want us to see how she lives and I totally understand that. But at the same time, I want to get to know her on a more dark and secretive level.
After history, I walked with Brianna to her locker for next period. I starred every move she made. God, she's so beautiful. She cut her eye at me making me look the other way.
"I don't like it when people stare at me." She said grabbing my hands.
'Why? You're so beautiful.' I said to hair pulling her close to me.
"Because I feel as if you're judging me. It makes me insecure and uncomfortable." She said with sadden in her face.
'Your are beautiful. I stare because I'm shock by beauty, when I stare I'm not judging. I'm amazed.' I said to her. She gave me a smile and kissed my cheek. Even her lips was soft.
"I'll walk you to class since your friend is gone." She suggest. I took her books out of her hand so she won't care such heavy books. She grabbed my hands and started walking to Art. Heavy, shock stares filled in the hallways. Girls gave Brianna stank looks which made my vein pop in my head. I was getting a little angry by the girls reaction to me and her. Couple of girls whisper and laugh at her. Don't get angry Lucky, last thing anyone wants to see is you burst into flames. We made it to Art just in time the bell rung.
"Have a good day Lucky and if you have problems text me,ok?" She said. I nodded and gave her a kiss and walked in class.

I was on my way to Math, all of sudden I was pushed to the ground. I looked up and seen Stacy and her minions laughing.
"I seen you and pretty eyes walking hand to hand. What's up with that?" She asked me smirking.
"None of your damn business. You trick." I fired at her. She stepped closer to me and slapped me on the face. Pain was all I could feel. Her slap remind me of him. He would beat me when it didn't go his way. Everyday, I suffered from his attacks.
I didn't say anything but just kept my head down.
"You stay away from him or else you're gonna get it where it hurts." She whispered to me. She gave me one last push and laughed walking away. I sat there in the middle of the floor and just cried. I didn't cry because she was bullying me, I cried because her hits reminded me of my past. I slowly got up and began to walk the halls. I'm so weak. I don't know how Lucky loves me when all I am is weak. I stop at Lucky class and stare at him through the window. He had his head down clearly sleep. The bell rung loudly. Everyone rushed the halls trying to talk to one another. I waited on Lucky to come out. I seen him walk out still sleepy.
I grab his hand making him jump a little. He smiled and kiss me like he missed me.
He looked at my eyes to face in confusion.
'Was you crying?' He asked me brushing his thumb across my cheek. How does he know? I nodded my head yes.
'Someone hurt you?' He asked me. A vein popped out his forehead. Someone did hurt me, a lot.
"I'm fine Lucky just thinking about life." I lied. I don't want to tell him about my past just yet.
'Feel free to tell me anything.' He kissed my forehead and grabbed my hand again intertwining them. It was lunch time and the cafe looked crowded.
"Lets eat outside." I suggested. We started to walk but his friend stopped us.
"It's time." He said
'No.' Lucky mouthed back.
"Don't start that. You know you have to." His friend said. He rolled his eyes and walked to the office with his friend. A minute or two left, they came back to me and walked outside to eat. I wonder how this dinner is going to be?

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