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The dark skin man had on a black trench coat along with dark pants. His look terrified me but I didn't really show it. Lucky was close to me holding my hand.
"Why so quite?" He asked everyone. No one said a word.
"Why are you here Evans?" Mr. Blue asked getting angry. His eyes turned bright yellow out of no where.
"What the fuck is going on Thomas?" Mrs. Blue yelled at Mr Blue. He didn't say anything he was to busy death starring Evans.
"Oh Thomas, you didn't tell your wife?" He ask.
"Tell me what?" She yelled. Evan gave her smirk that made her even more mad.
"Your husband is a werewolf." He said. Her face expression was the same as mine. Shock.
She look over at Mr Blue with tears eyes.
"Why would you keep such a secret?" She yelled standing up.
"I didn't know how to tell you or Jonathan. Believe me, I wanted to tell you." He explained with sorrow in his eyes. She shook her head in disbelief and ran upstairs crying. I finally realized something about Mr. Blue.
"So if you're a werewolf then your son is one as well, right?" I asked hoping and praying he'll say no. He nodded his head yes. I was speechless, my lover is a FUCKING WEREWOLF! Not only was I was scared but hurt. Hurt that he kept such a secret from me. I tried looking at him but I can't look at him the same. I got up and went the door to get some fresh air. How could he keep such a secret? He doesn't act like a werewolf, does he? All these questions was popping up in my brain making my head hurt. The only way to get these answers is to ask him. I was on my way to back in the house but Lucky was already outside with me leaning against the door. He came up to me but I just stepped back, I was to afraid to ask but it had to be done.
"When was you gon tell me?" I asked him crossing my arms. His guilty eyes appear starring at me.
"Answer me!" I yelled getting impatient with him.
'Soon. I didn't want to freak you out.' He said rubbing his hand in his hair.
"You should of told me when we met each other. Freak me out?! I'm now terrified of you! You can go off at anytime!" I yelled at him. He held his down avoiding eye contact.
"I don't won't to be afraid of you. I love you to much to be afraid of you. Just promise me you won't turn on me." I walked up to him holding his big hands. He nodded his head and kissed my hand.
'We have to go.' He said taking his coat off.
"Why? We haven't finished eating?" I asked him but he just ignored me once again. He took off his shirt exposing his nicely built abs with a fear scars here and there. He picked me up and placed me on his back. I held on to his body tightly so I won't fly off. He was turning into wolf! Usually a werewolf is brown but he was white like snow. His fur was so soft and glowing. He began to run really fast. The wind hitting my face really hard. I tuck my face into his fur trying to protect my face. I noticed we was in the woods, deep into the woods. Branches would hit me every now and then. He stopped at a huge oak tree. I lifted my head up and seen a cozy cabin next to the tree. It was beautiful. The lights was glowing reflecting on the lake. Lucky picked me up off of him with his arm. He was magical looking with his white fur matching with his white eyes. He stood at least 7 feet just on four legs. He slowly stood up on his hein legs looking down on me. His belly still had the scars on him. He was transforming back to his original self . I walked up to him examining his figure. He was skinny but built. A lot of scars on his chest and back that was a turn on for me.
'Please don't be afraid of me. I would never hurt you .' He mouthed leaning his head on mines. He pick me up bridal style and began walking to the cabin. He kick the door open placing me on the soft furry couch. This must be some dream, Lucky can't be a werewolf! It's not possible, or is it?

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