11 Part 1

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1 month later
November ( Three days till Thanksgiving)
"Nana, would you mine helping me with my work?" I asked my Nana. I moved in with like a week ago.
"Yes suga! Just come sit down, I got tell you something." She said sitting on her favorite chair. I sat down next to her and gave her my work.
"Child! It's 42! You already knew that!" She laughed. I did know it all ready, I just wanted some attention from her.
"Pumpkin, Nana got to tell you something." She said with a serious face holding both my hands.
"Yes ma'am?" I was nervous. Nana is 88 years old, she can die anytime. Her dieing would put me back to my old days again.
"You know I'm 88 years old,right?" She asked me. I nodded my head yes. Tears was starting to come down.
"Don't cry Pumpkin, Nana gonna be alright. She's just getting old." She said speaking in third person.
"Nana ain't gon live forever, suga. I don't know when I'm gonna die but I do know is that you can have everything I own. My car, my house and even my wheel." She explained. I broke down into tears, I didn't want Nana to go. She's everything I have besides Lucky.
"Nana! Don't talk like that! You know I don't want you to go!" I yelled.
"Baby, calm down." She lifted my head with her hands making me look her in the eyes.
I calm down.
"I do want you to make things right with your mama. You need her like you need wolf boy." She smiled at me.
"Who is wolf boy?" I asked confused.
"That you have to figure out. He will tell you everything one day, you just have to be patient." She said giving me a smile.
"Nana you are you crazy lady." I laughed at her. She laughed back.
"I'm gonna whip up your favorite chocolate cookies. Even though it's breakfast." She said getting up from her chair and walked in the kitchen.
"If I was you, I wouldn't be sitting down sad about your grandmother. I would go have some fun with my closest person in my life. And just talk about what's going on in my brain." Nana suggested. She's right! I need to clear and get everything off my mind. I immediately got up and went to change into some basic clothes.
"Be back before the Soap Opera comes on!" She yelled.
"Ok!" I yelled to her before going outside. I got in her car and drove off to Lucky house. He's been avoiding me lately and I start to hate. By the way, Karma moved to California to live with her dad. We text and stuff but it ain't the same without her though.
56 minutes later
I arrived at Lucky house. I got little butterflies in my stomach and I don't know why. I knock on the door three times. Miss Blue opened the door.
"Hello Brianna! Nice to see you again!" She said giving me a hug.
"Aw thanks. Is, uh Lucky here?" I asked very nervous now. Never in my life have I ran after a boy. That's just not me.
"Yes he is! He's been down in the dumps lately. Are you guys fighting or something?" She asked concerned.
"No, not at all! He's been avoiding me lately and I don't know why." I said.
"Weird. Go check up on him." She said letting me in. I walked upstairs to Lucky room. I took a deep breath and slowly opened the door. He was laying down starring at the wall. He look so depressed and sad. I tap his foot gently. He shot up his head.
"Hey." I smiled. I got closer to him but he moved away.
"Lucky what's wrong?" I asked him. He ignor my question which was pissing me off.
"Lucky talk to me! You've been avoiding me lately and I'm starting to get mad!" I said with a angry tone.
He look at me and just cried. Damnit Bri, don't yell at the sensitive. I hugged him trying to calm him down. He tap my shoulder.
'Brianna, have been going through something right now.' He mouth holding my face.
'Tell me. I don't want you to avoid me." I told him.
'I've been having these nightmares about my past.' He said.
"Like what kind of nightmares?"
'When I was five. I can't make them go away! It's like their stuck to my brain!' He said getting frustrated.
"Write everything down. It's good to write things down on what's going through your mind." I suggested. He nodded his head and up to get some paper. He sat at his desk and began writing. I wonder what he's writing.

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