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I watch as Brianna toss and turn in my arms like she was having a bad dream or something. I try hugging her so she can calm down but it didn't work. I then tried to wake her up but obviously that didn't work. I gave up and got up to take a quick jog by myself. I grab my hoodie and phone along with my jogging shoes. I went outside to stretch before I run north. I put on my favorite playlist.
"What a good way to start my morning?" I said in my head as my favorite song came on. Before you know it, I was gone. I'll probably going 40 miles per hour and it felt good. Running this fast made me feel free and careless. The cold air hitting my face along with some leaves. Every time I hear them say 'Dinosaur' together, I sped up my pace. As I was running, I felt a hard tackle from behind, I elbow the person giving me enough time to transform. I quickly transform too my other half. I looked back and saw that same girl at IHOP that day. She was a werewolf as well but she look different from a regular wolf. She stood about 5 feet, same color as me but with grey eyes. As we stare at each other, we both changed back to our regular self.
"Lucky?" Her sweet voice said as she came closer but I stepped back. I wish I could talk today or otherwise she'll get yelled at.
'How do you know my name?' I ask her admiring her beauty.

But she's nothing like Brianna

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But she's nothing like Brianna.
"My name is Remma , Remma Wynter. I doubt you even remember me." She said. I gave her a confused look.
"This may sound weird and crazy but.." she hesitated for bit playing with her fingers to not looking at me.
"I think you're my mate." She said pointing at me. This girl is fucking crazy! I don't even know her!
'Your crazy, I don't even know you!' I said getting angry at her stupidness.
"I don't know for sure, I keep having these dreams about you and I. I don't know if this a sign or what."She explained frustrated. Her beautiful hair danced gracefully in her face as she starred at the ground for couple of seconds until she looked back up at me. I turned my head so I won't see her beautiful icey blue eyes.
'I'm not your mate.' I dryly said to her, I knew she wasn't going to let this go any time soon. As I was about to walk away, she grabbed my arm and pulled me back.She was really getting on my nerves.
"Here's my number. Goodbye Lucky." She smile giving me a small wave. I didn't say bye I just ran back home.
I walked inside the house and seen Brianna eating cereal on the kitchen counter.
"Hey babe, where have you been?" She asked sitting down her cereal to give me a kiss.
'I went for a jog.' I simply said. I'm not going to tell her about Remma,she'll probably freak out so from now on, I'm going to keep it a secret.
"No talking today?" She ask. I nodded my head yes and ran upstairs avoiding her.
Something was off from Lucky but I really didn't care. I went upstairs to change into some clothes for school. I walked into the room only to see Lucky half naked in front of me. His hair was wet, his 6 pack made him even more attractive. I quickly looked away so he won't see me blushing. I felt his energy come closer towards me, his touch has always made me quiver but this was different. It was more cold and distanced.I got out of his arms and went to the bathroom.
"Something is wrong with Lucky, I just can't put my finger on it." I stated quietly so he won't hear me. I got in the shower and washed up.
10 minutes later
I came out the shower with a towel wrapped around my body along with my house shoes. I went to my closet to pick something to wear. I choose a tropical crop top with some white jeans and my old skool vans. I put on my clothes along with some jewelry. I styled my hair into a bun. I grab my bag and phone and head downstairs. I seen Lucky watching cartoons.
"Bye love." I kissed his head and got in my car and drove off.
At School
Everyone at school was all happy and jumpy today for some odd reason. There was a lot of posters around the school. I grabbed one and it read:
Party Tonight!! At 56 Fantasy Dr. bring friends and have fun while we're young.
"A party,heh? Maybe I can bring Lucky." I said to myself scanning the poster.
"So you're going to the party tonight?" Someone asked behind me. I turned around and seen a white chick. She is very gorgeous but she looks familiar.
"Uh, maybe. Do I know you from somewhere?" I ask her starring at her deeply.
"Uh, I don't think so but it was to meet you! Bye!" She quickly said before walking off .
"Weird." I shrugged it off and continued my day at hell, for the mean time.

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