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I slumped back into my seat inside the limousine after the presidential speech by my father.

Wow. Those were the longest hours that I have been with my father.

That there, was pure torture.

I told Jack, our driver to return to my house----a house my father gave me as a present when I turned 20 last year. It's not as big as our former house though. It is a 2 story house with a swimming pool at the back. I converted the first floor into a living room+Library, it also has a kitchen were I would cook occasionally when I have time after my classes in the university, a bathroom, and a room for the 2 maids that lived with me, Madelyn and Cora(I adore and love them). Then on the second floor, I have my study room+music room, a sunroom, my bedroom, 2 guess rooms with their own bathrooms(my best friend would always sleep in one of those when she comes over), and my very own bathroom.

After cleaning up a bit, I went down to the kitchen again. While going down the stairs, the smell of roasted chicken hit my nose. Cora's cooking. Definitely. See? This is why I love her so much.

She came into my life when I was 16. She took care of me, gave me what I really wanted, and what I have been missing. Motherly love. Cora lost her only daughter 6 years ago, her name was Coraline. Coraline died of Leukemia. Cora said Coraline caught it when she turned 8 and fought it for 4 years.

She said there were times where Coraline did well, where she didn't have to do all those chemo-treatments, when she could go home and be with them.

As time passed, she had only gotten worse.

So ill, too ill, even, that she had to stay in the hospital for months and months. Cora said when the doctor informed them that the cancer had spread all through out her body, Coraline finally snapped. She started shutting both her and her husband out, and started giving up on her treatments, and stopped drinking her medicines. The day before Coraline died, she said: "Mom. I love you. And it hurts me more seeing YOU hurt. I'm done. I'm never going to get better, and we all know that, so let's face the reality here and just stop wasting your money on me. Live your life mom. Take care of dad for me. Please. Be happy."

Coraline died the next morning after that.

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