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(A/N: it's time for some horror😈
Got your popcorn?
Let's do this! )

N.G (P.O.V)

His face was inches away from mine.

Then he grinned mischievously as I looked at him in fear. "You're mine!" He growled.

He dug his hand in my chest and took my Anodite out of me.

"Nooo! COME BACK!!!" I screamed.

I opened my eyes, out of breath. It was dark and quiet. I realized that I woke up.

I took deep breathes, dragging air to my lungs. When my brain cells were activated, I realized I wasn't in my room.

I tried to ignite my hand. Nothing came out. My hand shook.

"What?! " I whisper-cried.

Suddenly, the lights were on. I was in a bedroom and a man stood in the door way. I didn't think as I quickly got up and ran in his direction.

Powers or no powers, I'll fight! Since my left hand was stronger, I sent a left blow to his face and kicked him where the sun doesn't shine.

He fell in the ground and I was about to run. But another guy came, holding an electric detonator!

"Exepiozendis dixes!" I said my spill and attacked him.

Now I hope nobody else comes because I'm afraid! But yet again when I reached the door, more men came and got me.

"Let go of me!!" I savagely yelled as I struggled to break free. Then they held me too tightly. It became too quiet and I felt the danger already.

I heard an evil laugh echoing around me. Then Red appeared.

Omg.. It wasn't a dream?!

"YOU!!" I couldn't control my temper. My heart was about to burst out of my chest!


If those men don't let me go, I think I'm going to scream like a mad woman.

"Why not" he said coldly "this is where you've always belonged"

"Damn you" I said "and you think no one can stop you? Oh you're in big trouble! " I hissed "when Hulk finds out-"

He laughed in my face. I glared at him.

"Funny" he hissed "How much faith you have in that idiot monster! "

"The only monster I know is you, Ronald! "

His eyes widened with anger before flames flew out of him.

"GET OUT. ALL OF YOU! NOW! " he said to his minions.

I stood my place but looked around, thinking of another escape plan.

To my surprise, he turned to his normal shape. But since the door was locked, knocking him out won't help me at the moment.

"I don't plan to hurt you" he said gently "I just can't stand seeing you with someone else"

I could hear the deceit in his voice. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Do you think this is a joke?" I asked "who do you think you are? You didn't even care to spend quality time with me"

"What kind of cousin is that?" I muttered.

"I wanna make up to you now" he got closer, I backed away.

"I don't want to!" I snapped "I don't ask anything from the likes of you! Just leave me alone! "

He pinned me to the wall, I tried to escape but I couldn't. The bastard placed his legs between mine so I couldn't move.

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