The one with the New Year's Eve party

Start from the beginning

@taylorswift13: thanks, @selenagomez.

@edsheeran: @taylorswift13 @selenagomez @kaitlynswift7 Save that cat, she's my favorite Swift

@kaitlynswift7: Thanks a lot @edsheeran

@edsheeran: sorry @kaitlynswift7 but we all know it's true

@taylorswift13: update: it was just a pen cap and I pulled it out of her mouth #kittydoctor @kaitlynswift7 @edsheeran @selenagomez I saved Mere's life

@selenagomez: way to go @taylorswift13

@edsheeran: thanks for saving my baby's life @taylorswift13

@kaitlynswift7: the credit should really be mine because without me no one would have known about her so I pat myself on my back (with my not broken wrist of course) @edsheeran @taylorswift13 @selenagomez

@karliekloss: @taylorswift13 I've been outside your door for like ten minutes wondering when you're going to let me in, I knocked, but your sick jamz are probs too loud to hear me

@taylorswift13: I'll come let you in @karliekloss

@karliekloss: Thanks @taylorswift13

Taylor got up and we heard her open the door. Karlie and Taylor both squealed and I leaned over the back of the couch to see them hugging.

"Hey, Kaitlyn!" She said, rushing over to me.

"What happened?" She asked when she saw my leg and arm.

"I fell," I replied.

"All that happened from just a fall?" Karlie asked.

"The paps got a bit aggressive," Taylor answered for me.

"What!?" Karlie exclaimed.

"Yeah, but it's whatever," I said.

"Hey Sel," Karlie said, getting Selena's attention.

"Hey Karlie," Selena smiled, looking up from her phone.

"Kaitlyn, go on Twitter," Selena told me, looking back down at her phone.

"Why?" I asked.

"Someone wants you to be their new year's kiss," Selena teased.

"What!" Taylor said loudly.

I whipped out my phone and opened the Twitter app. I scrolled through my notifications and found the one from this hot guy from school named Ethan.

@ethan_kolars14: @kaitlynswift7 am I invited to your party tonight?

@kaitlynswift7: @ethan_kolars14 of course! I'll see you tonight!

@ethan_kolars14: @kaitlynswift7 midnight?

@taylorswift13: @ethan_kolars14 BACK OFF THAT'S MY LITTLE SISTER!

@kaitlynswift7: @taylorswift13 Shut up Tay

@ethan_kolars14: @taylorswift13 I'll take good care of her @kaitlynswift7

@kaitlynswift7: @ethan_kolars14 I'll see you tonight

"Oh yes!" Selena said happily.

"I'm worried about this; I don't know him," Taylor said, slinging her arms around my neck from behind me.

"Tay, he's nice and he's super hot," I told her.

"Picture," Selena demanded.

I pulled out my phone and searched his Instagram. I showed a picture of him to Selena and Karlie and Taylor watched over my shoulder as I scrolled through his posts.

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