Kyung blinked.

"You were sending me emails?"

"Aha! I knew you didn't read them.." his mother exclaimed. Kyung shook his head.

"People barely go on their emails anymore mom.." He began, but knowing she'd just argue with him, he quickly added.

"How's the trip going by the way? You'll be back soon right?"

The nervous laughter that followed was enough to tell him that something was up.

"Ya...about that"

Kyung frowned.

"What?" He asked, having just gotten off the bus in front of the house.

"Well, Yunhwa may have lost her passport, and we're not exactly sure how long we'll be here for before we'll return.." His mother explained. Kyung froze.

"Wait...what? Are you saying I'll have to keep staying with Jiho till who knows when?!" He exclaimed. The nervous chuckle that rang through the phone was enough of a confirmation.

"Oh come on, Jiho can't be that bad, I mean, you've survived for this long." She claimed.

"Ya I know but..." Kyung trailed off, he couldn't tell her that he liked Jiho, that'd just be proving that she was right all along.

"Fine." He said, cringing at the exclamation of joy that followed.

"Alright sweetie I have to go. I'll call you later, cause apparently email isn't cool anymore."

"It really isn't" Kyung answered, smiling at the chuckle he received.

"Kay bye sweetie"

He sighed.

"Bye mom."


Kyung took in a deep breath, counting to three before releasing it. He pushed open the house door, aware that as always, Jiho would probably be lounging on the living room couch.

"Oi Jiho" He began, kicking his shoes off.

"My mom just called and she s-"

Kyung froze, his lips parting in surprise as he walked into the living room, gaze landing at first on Jiho who was seated on the couch, and then on the girl standing defiantly in front of him.


A long silence settled over the room, until the girl in question scoffed.

"What's he doing here?"

It was always like an automatic switch. Whenever Hyeri was around, something in his mind always snapped.

"I'm his boyfriend, I'm allowed to be here. You on the other hand..."

Hyeri glared at him, her eyes hardening even more when they landed on the purple mark that was on his neck (he'd forgotten to put the scarf back on.)

"Why I'm here is none of your business." She hissed, turning to look at Jiho.

"Call me later okay? And think about what I said." She said, grabbing her purse which she'd left on the coffee table before turning to leave.

Kyung pursed his lips, annoyance bubbling inside him, he walked over to Jiho, making sure Hyeri could see as he placed a chaste kiss on the others lips.

Hyeri scoffed, walking away. Kyung waited for the thud of the front door closing, before he spoke.

"What was she doing here?" He asked, unable to help the spite in his voice.

"Not sure to be honest. Someone rang the doorbell, I opened the door to check it out, and she just let herself in." Jiho answered, seemingly unbothered. He smirked.

"Glad to see you're initiating kisses now"

Kyung chose to ignore the comment.

"How does she even know where you live?" He asked, sitting on the couch opposite him.

"Oh~? Are you jealous?" Jiho asked, voice teasing. Kyung rolled his eyes, looking away to hide his blush.

"Fine don't answer, I was just curious."

Jiho chuckled.

"You could say our families are a little close, so she's been here a few times."

Kyung chose to ignore the tugging feeling in his guts.

"What did you guys talk about?" He asked anyways and Jiho grinned.

"So you are jealous~"

Kyung scoffed, standing in exasperation.

"You're so annoying. Is it a crime to be curious?" He mumbled, walking away. Jiho chuckled.

"It's okay, I'm not ditching you for her" He continued to tease.

"Please do, it'll make my life easier." Kyung answered, a part of him well aware that that was the biggest lie he'd ever told

I Don't mind (Zikyung: block b)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin