Chapter 22

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When my alarm clock rang Monday morning, I filled with a tremendous amount of dread. I knew though that I had to go school and face my fears. My fears were seeing Tyler and everyone finding out what had happened. I was not afraid what people might say about me but what they would say about Tyler. I know that he hurt me and what he did was wrong, but I felt bad for him. He didn't have any friends left and though it was practically his fault, it was also my fault. I shouldn't have been so naive; I believed that a guy that I barely knew liked me.

I pulled myself out of bed and made my way to the bathroom to get ready. I looked in the mirror once I got inside of the bathroom. I still looked atrocious but I looked better than a couple days before. I was still a little upset and I was angry with Tyler, but mostly myself. I was being so stupid for dating a guy I barely knew.

I finished getting ready and left my house. School was going to be rough but I was going to face it head on because that's how I always faced my problems. I pulled in the school parking lot after what felt like seconds. I looked at my surroundings before getting out of my car. I then walked into school and to Kristen and I's normal meeting spot. I was shocked when I got there; I saw someone that I didn't expect to see standing there talking to Kristen.

"Hey Noah." I greeted quietly.

"Hey Olivia! How are you?" He greeted me friendly.

When I didn't say anything and I didn't smile like I normally do, he stopped smiling.

"I'm sorry that was a stupid question." He said with his face getting red.

"It's okay." I started.

"I have to go now." He said walking away awkwardly.

What was wrong with him? Did I do something? I knew that it wasn't nice of me to react the way I did when he asked me how I was doing but that didn't mean I wanted him to leave. He has been acting so strange lately first at the party and now this.

"What's up with him?" Kristen asked me.

"I don't know. He was acting that way after the incident at the party too."

"Weird." Kristen replied at the same time the bell rang to go to class.

The day went by surprisingly quickly. I spent the day actually trying to pay attention to my teachers but failed. My mind always seemed to wonder back to Noah and why he was acting so strange. I couldn't stop thinking about him.

When lunch came around I was happy because then I would have Kristen to distract me from my thoughts. I hoped to have a normal lunch with her and talk about hot celebrities or gossip and not worry about my messy life. That idea was squashed the moment I saw Kristen coming towards me. She wasn't just walking she was sprinting and she had this I-Know-Something-You-Don't grin on her face.

"You will never believe what I just heard!" Kristen yelled as soon she got right in front of me.

"What? And don't shout I don't want everyone in my business." I shushed her.

"First how do you know that it's about you?" She questioned.

"I just had a feeling and by the look on your face."

"Well it is about you and you should probably sit down when I tell you this."

"Okay, let's go to a table." I replied. The walk there was agonizingly long even though it was only a few seconds.

"Can you tell me now?" I asked now that we were sitting down.

"Yes, okay. I heard from Julie." She started.

"Who is Julie?" I interrupted.

"That is not important. She was at the party on Friday."

"Yeah." I encouraged her to continue.

"She told me that she saw you leaving the house crying. She then saw Noah go after you with a worried expression. Then a couple minutes later after you and I left Noah went back into the house."

"I knew that already. I saw him going back into the party as we were pulling away." I interrupted again.

"Are you going to let me finish or are you going to keep interrupting." She huffed.

"Sorry." I mumbled.

"When Noah went back into the party, she said that he looked furious. He started yelling for Tyler and then stormed towards the hallway where you saw Tyler. Julie, being the curious person she is, followed Noah. Noah and Tyler then had a heated exchange. Then Noah punched Tyler and they ended up fighting on the floor and then someone broke it up."

"What? Noah fought Tyler?" I asked.

"But what it gets better, then he told off Brooke. And he broke up with her for good and told her that he never wanted to see her ever again."

"What? He broke up with Brooke?"

"That's what I just said wasn't it?" Kristen giggled.

"Why would he do all that?" I questioned.

"I already told you, it's because he likes you."

"No, Noah doesn't like me." I denied.

"Think whatever you want Olivia, but I have an immense suspicion that Noah likes you." Kristen said annoyed.

"Well that's your opinion, but I am going to ask Noah about the fight today in Theater."


"So I can find out why he would fight Tyler." I stated.

The bell rang, and it was time to talk to Noah about why he fought Tyler. I didn't know how he would respond but with Kristen's words I couldn't help but wonder if he really did like me. What would I do if he said that he liked me? And the biggest question I had was able now to like him too?

I arrived to the auditorium still thinking and took a seat. I was soon joined by Noah but I didn't notice because I was still deep in thought.

"What's up? Is something wrong?" Noah asked seeming nervous.

"Why did you fight Tyler?" I blurted out.

"How did you find out about that?" He asked.

"I found out from Kristen, who was told by Julie; who saw you guys fighting. But that is not the point Noah! Why did you fight Tyler?" I said now looking down at the ground.

"Olivia," He started and then used his index finger to lift up my chin to look at him. "You don't ever deserve to be treated the way that Tyler treated you. I had to stand up for my best friend."

'That was all he had to say?' I thought to myselfa little upset.

 I was kind of hoping that he would confess his undying love forme, like they do in the movies, but that was unrealistic. I don't know why Iwas hoping for him to tell me that he liked me; as he put it we were just bestfriends. Maybe I just realized that I want to be more than friends with Noah.     

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