Chapter 5

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A/N: That is Ian Nelson who imagined for Tyler when I wrote the book. 

That night I went to sleep imagining what type of date my first date with Tyler would be. The next morning I woke up with ease. Yesterday's morning efforts on hair and makeup had paid off, so I repeated the process. I picked out my cutest outfit and was off to school. I hung out with Kristen during the first part of the day.

I went to fourth period and sat with Noah.

"Hey Noah, what do you know about Tyler Johnson?"

"What? Why do you want to know about him? Has he harassed you in anyway?" Noah seemed genially concerned.

"No, quite the opposite. He asked me out. I just wanted to know your thoughts about him."

"What? When did he ask you out? Did you say yes?"

"He asked me yesterday. I said yes." I was starting to get concerned.

"Do you not like him or something?" I asked.

"That would be an understatement!" Noah scuffed.

"Wow, sorry."

"No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude. I just don't want to see you get hurt." Those words haunted me for the rest of the day.


Later that evening after dinner, I got a text.

*Hey, is Friday good for a movie? –Ty*

I was so excited I nearly screamed but I decided against it. Screaming would bring my sister running into my room. She would want to know why I was screaming and then she would tell our parents. She was such a snitch; she always had been. I rarely got mad about it though. She's the little sister after all so it was her job to get on my nerves.

*Yeah, Friday is great! I will meet you there. –Liv*

I was excited for the date, since it would be my first, but at the same time I was scared. What did Noah mean about Tyler hurting me? I also felt bad about having to lie to my parents and tell them that I was going with Kristen but I really wanted to go on this date with Tyler!


The week went by fast considering I was on an emotional roller coaster. Up to elation, down to guilt, up to anticipation, down to nervousness. Friday after school, I rushed home from school to start getting ready. After a long shower, I heard my Mom calling my name.

"Yes, mom?"

"Where are you going tonight, I forgot." Said my mom.

My mother had never really been over protective she was always the more laid back of my parents. I got all my looks from my mom. My mom was short, has brown hair and hazel eyes. She doesn't really look her age. All my friends think she was the coolest out of all the moms. I didn't always agree with them.

"I am going to the movies with..." I thought for a moment maybe I could tell my mom and she would be okay with it.

"Mom, I want to talk to you about something."

"What is it?"

"I want to talk about the dating rules in this house."

"Why, is that Olivia?"

"Uh, well..." I began but before I could finish my mother had interrupted me.

"Did you get asked out by a boy?"

"Yea..." I replied quietly.

My mom's face started to beam, she looked almost ecstatic for me.

"Mama, can I go?" My mom seem to have been be daydreaming about something that had happened years before.

"Yes you should go but it would be best to not tell your father and stick with saying that you are going to the movies with Kristen."

I couldn't believe what my mom was saying. But then again maybe I wasn't really surprised. I hugged her fiercely. I felt like I might explode.

With that I went to my room to finish getting ready for my first date with Tyler. It took me forever to decide what to wear. Since it was November, I decided on cuffed blue jeans with my favorite melon colored blouse. As I put on the finishing touches, I realized just how nervous I was. After one last look, it was time to head out to the movie theatre.

I got in the car and started to drive. I was about halfway to the movies when my heart started race and I felt like I was about to puke. Music always helps me cope with my feelings, no matter what is going on. I turned the radio up and was lucky enough to hear the newest song by my favorite artist, Taylor Swift.

I loved Taylor Swift. Two years ago I had seen her in concert in New Jersey. It worked! I no longer felt like I was going to puke even thought my heart was still pounding when I finally arrived at the movie theater.

When I arrive at the movie theater, Tyler was standing in the light of the sign. He looked like an angel with the soft glow of light around him. Cheesy I know, but what can I say I was a sucker for romance.

I started to walk towards Tyler at that very same moment Tyler looked at me. As I walked over to him, I felt the butterflies take flight in my stomach. Those amazing eyes of his were actually checking me out. Why did he have to be so cute?

"Hi. Have you been waiting long?" I said.

"Hey, there beautiful. I just got here myself." He said with the biggest smile. Oh my god, there go the butterflies again. What was it with me and these butterflies?! He bought the tickets and we went inside of the theater.

"Would you like something to eat?" Tyler interrupted my thought of him and what the date would be like.

"Um yeah. How about some Sour Patch Kids and a Diet Coke?"

"Absolutely, anything for you." Tyler ordered our snacks and we headed into the theater.

We made our way up towards the seats at the top of the theater. He had picked the newest Romance Comedy. I'm sure it wasn't his first choice but one he probably thought I'd want to see.

Now, all I have to worry about is if Tyler will try to hold my hand during the movie. Or if he will try to kiss me. If you couldn't tell I was nervous beyond words, but with the vibe that I always got from Tyler I couldn't help but relax a little. He gave off this vibe that he just did not care about anything. I couldn't help but wish that that would rub off on me since I tend to over think and care too much about everything.

I definitely felt comfortable around Tyler, which was something that I liked. It was nice for once not to worry about whether people were staring at me or what they thought of me. When I was with Ty I could just let loose and just be Liv. There was no greater feeling in the world than just feeling like I could be me.

"Liv," Tyler said waving his hand in front of my face, "you good?"

"Yeah, sorry."

"I hope I'm not boring you too much."

"No, you're not boring me at all. I just got lost in thought it happens to me a lot."

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