Chapter 6

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A/N:  This is Olivia.

          The movie was good. About half way through I noticed that Tyler was putting his arm around my shoulder and I was okay with that too. I felt myself settle into my seat for the first time all evening. I could get used to this. Was this just a date or something more? There went my heart again beating like a drum.

The credits came on and I looked over at Tyler.

He looked at me, smiled and said "Did you like the movie?"

"It was good, but predictable." I replied.

The lights came on which signaled that it was time to leave.

Tyler walked me towards my car. When we got to the car he said "I had a great time tonight."

"Me too." Just as I said that, Tyler started to lean in.

Oh my god, was he going to kiss me? He was getting closer to my lips, I started to panic. Just as he was about to kiss my lips, I turned my face and gave him my cheek. Why the hell is wrong with me? My cheek, really!?

"What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?" he said with confusion.

"No, you didn't do anything. I just don't feel comfortable kissing on the first date." Face it, there was no way I was about to say "This is my first date ever; not just my first date with you."

"You're right I shouldn't have done that." I thought that was all he was going to say. Then he said "You're right I shouldn't have done that before I asked you to be my girlfriend, but I just wanted to kiss you. I know that we just met and stuff, but I really like you Olivia."

Somebody pinch me, was this really happening? My first date and my first boyfriend all in one night. What the hell was wrong with the boys in this town? They must move really fast. I had just met this dude and now he wanted to be my boyfriend?

A small "Uhm" was all that I could get my vocal cords to produce. What is wrong with me?

"Is that a no?" he said.

"I don't know, I need to sleep on it. Can we talk tomorrow?" I said with uncertainty.

Why didn't I just say yes, I liked him but something was holding me back, but I had no idea what that something was. I could hear Noah's words about Tyler hurting me echoing in my head.

Tyler hugged me goodbye and I got into the car. As I started the drive home, I suddenly felt a sense of dread. I wished that I could live in that moment forever, young and naïve, but I knew that that wasn't possible.

Tonight was the best night that I had had since I had moved back to this boring little town. As I went back to my house I wanted to text Tyler, and just say yes that I would be his girlfriend, but maybe I should get a second opinion from someone else. But who? Kristen, she knew more about everyone at school than they probably knew about themselves. By the time I got home and walked in the door, I felt better and couldn't wait to talk to Kristen.

"How was the movie?" Holy crap, my dad was sitting there waiting for me.

"The movie was good, thanks for asking." I replied anxiously.

"Why didn't Kristen come to spend the night?" My father questioned.

"She and I aren't really at the sleepover stage of friendship yet." I lied.

"Oh, ok." Now the he knew I was home safely, he headed up stairs for bed. Did my Mom already tell him what was going on or was he testing me to see where and who I'd been with?

I went quickly upstairs to my bedroom. After taking off my makeup, washing my face, brushing my teeth, I laid down on the bed for a few seconds but fell promptly asleep.

When I woke in the morning, I felt like last night had been a dream. I quickly realized that I hadn't called Kristen and I still had to give Tyler an answer. I looked in the mirror and certainly didn't see girlfriend material looking back at me. Glancing at the clock, I realized it was already noon. Dialing Kristen's number, I decided it was time to see what she knew about Tyler and what she thought about the whole situation.

Kristen picked up on the third ring. "Hello?" She answered.

"Hey, it's Olivia."

"How was your date last night?" she asked.

"It was great! I have some news though..." Before I could finish Kristen interrupted me

"Spill! I want to hear every dirty detail."

"There are no dirty details but I do have something to tell you." I said with a sigh.

"Whatever! Spill!" she practically yelled.

"Alright Tyler asked me to be his girlfriend." I said.

Kristen's yell rang through the phone. I on the other hand stayed silent.

"What did you say?" Kristen yelled again.

"I said that I would have to think about it." I answered cautiously.

"What the hell is your problem?"

"I don't know! I just kept thinking about what Noah said earlier this week about not wanting him to hurt me." Her end of the line remained silent.

"I'm scared; he's been nothing but a gentlemen but something about him screams bad boy, approach with caution. I don't know if this will work, since this will be my first boyfriend ever." I said.

"Your first boyfriend? Are you serious? If you like him, just say yes. If you decide later that it's not working then break up with him!" Kristen sighed.

I still felt a little bit apprehensive. I didn't just want to date the first guy that liked me. I wanted my first boyfriend to mean something to me. But, in the future would I look back on this moment with regret? Would this moment change my life forever?

"Okay! I'm going to do it!"

What did I have to lose? There wouldn't be that could go wrong with dating Tyler or so I think.

"Good!" And with that Kristen hung up.

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