Chapter 24

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When I got to class Kristen looked at me curiously; she seemed to be questioning me with just her eyes, and it was kind of freaking me out.

"Where the hell were you this morning?" She asked as soon as I took my seat.

"I was with Tyler."

"What! Why were you with Tyler?" She practically yelled.

"Um well, it is a long story, and class is about to start." I said hoping to avoid the subject.

"Yeah, so, it's not like we listen to Mr. Brooks, anyways." She laughed.

"True. Okay, I will tell you." I sighed giving in.

"So why were you with the ass who broke your heart?"

"Well," I started ignoring what Kristen had just said. "He wanted to talk to me about why he did what he did."

"So why did he do what he did." Kristen asked.

"Well it all started at that party you told me about. He and Brooke did kiss, but what everyone doesn't know was that Brooke was cheating on Noah with a lot of guys."

"No way." Kristen gasped but I just ignored her and continued.

"Tyler kept the cheating from Noah because he didn't want to hurt him. You know the part about the kissing and the fight, so I will skip that."

"I don't see what this has to do with you." Kristen said.

"I know that's what I said too." I giggled.

"Anyways on with your story." She said.

"Tyler thought that since Noah left him with no friends then Tyler would take something important way from Noah. Noah apparently told him that he thought he was in love with me."

"I knew it!" Kristen yelled excitedly.

"Ladies in the back, will you please be quiet?" Mr. Brooks glared at us.

"Sorry." Kristen and I said in unison.

"So the whole thing between you and Tyler was a way to get back at Noah? That is so stupid! Isn't there other ways to become even with your enemy?" Kristen ranted.

"I know, but at least now I know why he did it."

"Are you going to talk to Noah about him liking you?"

"I want to do it, but I want to do it in a subtle way."

"How?" Kristen asked.

"I don't know but I'm going to find out." I stated.

The rest of the day went like any other school day goes. I attempted to pay attention in class but much to my dismay I failed. My mind always seemed to wonder back to Noah. I wanted to tell Noah that I liked him but I wanted to know that the feeling was mutual. For all I know Tyler could be lying and Noah doesn't really like me. I know, why would he lie, right? Well he did hurt me and this could be his way of hurting me more.

It was now time to go to Theater class with Noah. I was like a little girl; my stomach was in knots and my heart was pounding. I was excited to see him but also very nervous. What if I said something stupid to him and embarrassed myself; which was highly likely. I'm being stupid I have known Noah practically my whole life, so there is nothing to be nervous about. I just need to treat him like the same old Noah.

"Hey Olivia." Noah said standing outside of the door to the auditorium.

"Hey! Were you waiting for me?" I asked him.

"No, I just got here." I blushed of course he wasn't waiting for me. God, I am so stupid.

"Um, so, are you nervous for the debut of the play next week?" I asked trying to redirect the attention from what I had just idiotically said.

"No not really. Are you nervous?" He responded.

"Not extremely but I am nervous about kissing you." I said before I could even process.

"What? Why?" Noah asked seeming shocked.

"Well, since we are best friends, I don't want the kiss to make anything weird between us." What was wrong with me? Why couldn't I keep my big mouth shut? Now he will never get the idea that I like him.

"I don't think that one staged kiss will make things weird, at least not for me. Will it make things weird for you?" He questioned.

"I don't think so. I hope not." I mumbled.

"Um okay." He said confused while scratching the back of his neck.

Oh no! He had heard me. I didn't mean to say that out loud and now things are going to get strange between us. Stupid curse of never keeping my cool in front of the Browler's Creek boys.

Ms. Jones walked onto the stage and began to speak.

"Alright! Everyone next week is the premiere of the play, and I would like to work with our two leads. Noah and Olivia that means you two." She announced.

"Come on. Let's go rehearse." Noah said giving me his hand to help me up.

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